Example sentences of "can [verb] anything " in BNC.

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1 Times are hard , and money is scarce , but please , if you can spare anything at all , contact Pat Drake as soon as possible .
2 ITALIA house can assimilate anything , mixing completely unrelated elements into seamless tracks that are clever , commercial , and miles away from the backroom botch jobs now dominating the UK dance scene .
3 If you 're recording , plug it into the desk and the engineer can make anything sound good , so whether you use one pickup , two pickups , one amp , two amps , Marshall , Crate , anything .
4 ‘ I can make anything you like , here are some fashionable French calf slippers decorated with glass beads that glitter as you walk . ’
5 ‘ He can make anything , in wood or metal .
6 Its teachers are not like travelling philosophers : they are co-operating labourers in God 's vineyard , and one plants while another waters , but God is the only one who can make anything grow ( 3:6 ) .
7 Well can make anything worse and will often make a lot of things carry on longer than they otherwise would normally .
8 If you fill your factory with machines so sophisticated that they can make anything that any blueprint tells them to make , it is hardly surprising if sooner or later a blueprint arises that tells these machines to make copies of itself .
9 you know , it 's negible whether you can make anything even if
10 Oh yeah I think so , I do n't think that I can make anything of it , I 'll take that box to school because they might be doing a
11 As their instructor , Leo Shore , is the first to admit : ‘ If you can build an igloo out of bricks you can build anything .
12 With just a few bits of metal and lots of imagination , Meccano addicts can build anything from a replica of Blackpool Tower to a Lancaster bomber .
13 And it 's all wired together so you can dial anything in that you want .
14 Built in the 1740s and housed in the only remaining Gothic interior in the city , it 's now electronically operated and can imitate anything from bagpipes to a brass band .
15 It can cover anything from giving a church sermon to holding a mass rally .
16 If you do feel hungry , you can eat anything you like — as long as it has little or no fat in it .
17 ‘ Buzz , I ca n't understand how you can eat anything after these huge , delicious French lunches .
18 You can eat anything there for lunch and I 'm going to put sandwiches and cake out for tea .
19 I 've discovered that one can paint anything so long as it 's BIG !
20 I can paint anything I want to at the moment , anything , everything .
21 This can include anything from racist jokes to actual physical violence .
22 I certainly do not believe that we can win anything by a formal arrangement with the Liberal Democratic Party .
23 ‘ If I survive this talk , ’ Weissman murmured into the void , ‘ I can survive anything . ’
24 And if two actresses can survive having been cast in the same part and still go on to be friends , they can survive anything .
25 ‘ If he can survive dropping the poll tax , he can survive anything , ’ said one admiring Tory MP .
26 Yeah no he was just saying that head office they 'll dictate to them like anybody else so he said I 've got to have erm the mortgage up to date for a start before I can consider anything .
27 ‘ With this I can buy anything I like as long as it 's food from suppliers approved by the Home Office , ’ Lamb says .
28 ‘ The rich think they can buy anything , do n't they ? ’
29 ‘ They can buy anything , ’ she said , ‘ but they ca n't keep it .
30 We have a shop in Southport like this , where you can buy anything for any hobby .
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