Example sentences of "what ways [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 In what ways would you change what you do , say , think , feel and believe ?
2 Our ‘ model ’ of the English language was prepared for teachers ; in what ways would it be implemented in the classroom ?
3 In what ways would your reading have been altered by the following instructions : ( a ) Find out about the effects of industry on workers ' standards of living .
4 In what ways was this landscape unpleasant and in what ways may people get greater pleasure from it now ?
5 In what ways may it become possible to create greater use of the recreational advantages and so to boost the tourist industry of Northern Ireland ?
6 Well I think there 's a difficulty here because I think one of the questions is a matter of perspective erm how do you define how you define what sexual harassment is is to an extent a factor of your perspective on the question in that I think that tutors who have been thinking about it in recent years , and women tutors , who have taken the lead in it , have tended to think about the implications from the institutional perspective , that is how do tutors behave to their students and in what ways may that affect students ' studies and their live in the college .
7 In what ways might each of these proposed developments reduce the pleasures of people who live in or visit the area ?
8 If companies have discretion in making delegated decisions , in what ways might the exercise of that discretion significantly affect others , demonstrating the existence of power ?
9 In what ways might the following influence a leader 's style of leadership : a. his subordinates ? b.the tasks to be performed ? and c. he situation ?
10 In what ways might the following seek to segment their markets : a. a manufacturer of beers and lagers .
11 If a present-day Darwin were to agonize over his matrimonial fate in what ways might it differ from the example above ?
12 In what ways will ‘ Documenta IX ’ differ from previous versions and from recent international exhibitions of major importance ?
13 In what ways will we be vulnerable to more competition in our present markets ?
14 In what ways can you improve your method of handling conflicts ?
15 In what ways can their use be rightly extended ?
16 In what ways can he do this and what should we give him to do ?
17 In what ways can planned and democratic economic forms be presented as a feasible and superior development/transformation of existing forms ?
18 In what ways can an Operational Research specialist contribute to the effectiveness of line managers ?
19 In what ways can marketing departments differ from other departments in terms of key objectives , main activities and system of values ?
20 ( ii ) In what ways can a supermarket encourage the customer to make impulse purchases ?
21 The research project will explore : — how male migration influences natural resource management in 4 countries in the Sahel region of Africa ; — whether single women are as likely or as able to , invest in long-term soil and water conservation ; — whether women 's changing strategies relieve or increase pressure on declining natural resources ; — and what ways can projects intervene to improve household food security of single headed households .
22 ( c ) Other specific types of question In what ways can Elizabeth Barrett Browning 's poetry be regarded as subversive ?
23 In what ways can a consonant change ?
24 Leaving aside considerations of compatibility with other computers , in what ways could the allocation of binary patterns to graphic symbols simplify the processing of character strings ?
25 In what ways could adjusting the material or its use here have helped this episode ( both corrections and ideas are useful ) ?
26 In what ways could such a display explore what ( and whose ) interests are at stake in the production and circulation of different definitions of design today ?
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