Example sentences of "what pass for " in BNC.

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1 And she knew herself to look better , clad in what passed for finery these days , than she did in the house where with so much work to do she had not a moment to spare for her appearance .
2 Friendship there , or what passed for friendship , never crossed the great divide of political allegiance and in the acrimonious clamour of the staffroom could swiftly deteriorate into gossip , rumours , recriminations and betrayal .
3 The first indication of the direction his mind ( or what passed for it ) was moving had come at the beginning of the trial when he called in two other judges to help determine whether the free pardon that Meehan had been granted quashed his conviction .
4 They jogged round a corner , and found themselves in what passed for the town square of Dead Rat , Arizona .
5 The sound was over and silence was back , or what passed for silence here .
6 But from somewhere in the fog of received wisdom and what passed for it , struggling to be heard above the sound of cracking whips , a persistent and unrepentant voice relayed a subversive message .
7 He put my felonious body in the stocks of his arm and led me off in the direction of what passed for a garden at Sussex , a series of brick-edged parallelograms that could n't have looked more artificial if they had been planted with cathode-ray tubes , instead of hardy perennials .
8 Sir Anthony 's lips slid over his small teeth in what passed for his public smile , and he accepted , without waiting for their answer .
9 A movement was born that provided for the next four years the reference point for the left , and for artists and what passed for Britain 's Beats .
10 Since it was to be a fortnightly , the best thing was to alternate with the other half of what passed for London 's alternative press , Private Eye .
11 What passed for reality on the discworld reasserted itself with a rush of sound .
12 And if you want to see what passed for America 's energy policy , you 're looking at it .
13 A sign told visiting gentlemen to remove their hats ; it was the kind of sign you 'd see in the Duomo in Florence ; in some parts of America , war still demands what passes for reverence .
14 Similarly , the 1989 plans to loosen barristers ' stranglehold on appearance in court ran into such heavy opposition even from radicals — or what passes for radicalism in such a deeply orthodox business — that the plans of an elected government were tempered by vested interest .
15 ‘ In the present state of what passes for civilization , our efforts have to be directed solely towards relieving the plight of children living in poverty .
16 This article , then , is motivated by a dissatisfaction or a discomfort with most of what passes for television theory : the doubts about the existence of anything which can usefully be called television theory are real .
17 Nostalgia for the good old , bad old days gives much of what passes for working class culture in the 1980's , its peculiarly sentimental cast .
18 When the days grew longer in what passes for spring on that windy plateau , we used to go into Lincoln on our days off and have lunch in the Naafi Club .
19 Without genuine understanding , what passes for faith can be a counterfeit confidence of purely human origins ( such as the power of positive thinking ) .
20 Rig the rules to prevent minority candidates getting nominated , because there 's no room for the Campaign Group left even to be heavily defeated in what passes for a free election in the new model Labour Party .
21 Those who have met with Cumberland jokes will realize that they are nearly always directly personal and intended to deflate pretension : the victims may well feel that this is not what passes for humour in ‘ polite society ’ .
22 Either choice leads to a rippled scoop , where the unsuspecting will become acutely aware of the inadequacy of the handholds , or what passes for them .
23 Dead trees turn out to be commonplace — hundreds of them standing knee deep in the wide , slow meanders of the Murray River or more loosely scattered in a macabre parkland where what passes for good grazing has been toasted a mauvy brown by the long summer sun .
24 Much of what passes for creativity is flashy or fashionable , or relies on advertising industry in-jokes .
25 I was just telling our Daniel , I was right put off by what passes for tea on t'railways these days : I could n't stomach no more .
26 For future reference , Gioachino says the only place for real lunch is Chateau Branlant on what passes for a nursery slope at Plan Checrouit .
27 Most of what passes for women 's education and which is considered different in kind and emphasis from that which is usually provided in mainstream education for women , is , in my view , a transparent variation on a familiar theme .
28 Thus most of what passes for literary scholarship is excluded from the sphere of criticism : studies of authors ' lives , of their immediate environment , of their ideas about writing and of the genesis of their works .
29 My heart , or what passes for one in demonic physiology , is in my mouth , for fear that I am about to be exiled from Rainbow Rosenbloom , and from Chinese food , movies and other earthly delights , for evermore .
30 Right now , Upstairs has other matters on what passes for its minds .
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