Example sentences of "will require [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Any mental picture will require interpretation , and this interpretation will be another mental operation , which , on the view that thinking is having mental pictures , will be another picture , which itself will require interpretation , and so on and so on .
2 Any mental picture will require interpretation , and this interpretation will be another mental operation , which , on the view that thinking is having mental pictures , will be another picture , which itself will require interpretation , and so on and so on .
3 There are also exciting new projects which will require assistance ; overseas sales , student network and indexing .
4 Planks ¾in thick are recommended for use on projects up to 10in diameter , but larger work will require wood 1in thick or greater .
5 In any other conditions such a simple form of social control must prove defective and will require supplementation in different ways .
6 All developments , however , will require Building Regulations approval .
7 Societies can already take up to 40 p.c. of their funds from such wholesale markets : lifting the limit to 50 p.c. seems sensible , but it will require legislation .
8 Some present detailed programmes for change which will require legislation , for instance , legislation to improve the levels of pension and older people 's access to employment .
9 The first will require legislation which has been promised ‘ at the earliest opportunity ’ whereas preparations are already being made to introduce the latter throughout England and Wales .
10 It will require legislation to change this situation which means that the Government must show some determined leadership .
11 Chaplin to such cases , though that will require reconsideration of the current view that the weight of authority in the Court of Appeal does not depend on the number of judges hearing the appeal .
12 Analysts would dispute the ASB 's characterisation of their approach , but it is the unsophisticated user that Mr Bradfield is concerned about : ‘ FRS 3 gives the user a selection of information that lacks coherence and produces a number of meaningless headline figures … normally it will require translation . ’
13 He will require preparation of his bowel for these and will therefore need explanation of the preparation as well as the procedures .
14 This will require leadership and generous resourcing if it is to produce results .
15 This will require judgement , commitment and resources .
16 It is important to bear in mind that a dog will not forget an unhappy experience of this nature , and almost certainly , at some stage in its life , it will require treatment which has to be given orally .
17 ‘ The consortium prepared to step in , have made a conditional offer and it will require help from the Football League , ’ said Beller .
18 Typically , procedure b ) will require procedure a ) and either or both of them will be initiated by the same control document .
19 The Law Society will require evidence such as a marriage certificate , deed poll or statutory declaration .
20 Both Government and Commercial Divisions will require support services but it will take time to define just what is essential .
21 Also , the most impressive output will require colour , 32-bit QuickDraw and a laser printer , while memory and processing speed may place some restrictions on molecular size .
22 You will require bed and breakfast for one week at the beginning of August , and would like a family room with shower and toilet .
23 The latest development is that each region has a prescribing budget for all prescribers , which will require development in a meaningful way with prescribing norms .
24 An MNP will require cover under the Solicitors ' Indemnity Fund in respect of its offices in England and Wales .
25 And I said they will require cover for their breaks he fell down on that one , he does n't think those two days .
26 That will require unanimity .
27 It will require qualification in new circumstances .
28 When it comes to access to polling stations this will require accessibility audits to be undertaken by electoral returning officers .
29 We actually believe that our dedicated production line will require expansion later in the year .
30 Should you be successful in raising the required funding for your projects , then you will require specialist advice ( particularly when negotiating with the funding source ) on the financial structure of the new company , both in terms of gearing and should venture capitalists be involved , on the proportion of dilution of the equity stake held by yourselves as founder directors .
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