Example sentences of "will pay a " in BNC.

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1 People will pay a premium price for a premium product , he feels .
2 The US announced it will pay a $1 million reward for information leading to the general 's capture .
3 Southern Europeans , alarmed by the thought of a wave of immigrants , are keener , especially since their northern colleagues will pay a larger share .
4 But we are in no doubt that , if the electorate fails to pardon the Conservatives at the polls today , it will pay a price at the hands of a Labour government , perhaps sustained by the Liberal Democrats , which will set back this country a generation .
5 In exchange , homesteaders will pay a lower rent or be able to buy at a reduced price .
6 Under a poll-tax system , all adults over the age of 18 will pay a flat rate set by the local authority concerned , although there will be rebates for the less well-off .
7 In addition , experiments have shown that hens will pay a very high ‘ cost ’ in terms of time and energy to get to a nest .
8 He has paid out nearly £12 million in 14 months , and said : ‘ We will pay a price for anybody , provided we think that price is right . ’
9 ‘ Manufacturers ’ research shows that buyers will pay a premium for the higher quality perceived in some brand names . ’
10 Smaller companies will pay a higher margin .
11 Sun still believes the chip is a leapfrog in integration and will pay a huge dividend by taking the company through ‘ 93 and beyond on a price/performance basis .
12 The interest rate you will pay will depend on the bank manager — he may feel that the aircraft represents reasonable security for the loan , or else you may have some other security to offer , for with security you will pay a lower rate of interest .
13 Housing is a basic need and it is therefore to be expected that the lower income groups will pay a higher proportion of their income to meet housing costs than the higher income groups , in spite of the fact that they live in less adequate accommodation .
14 And the idea is that points will be awarded th for which they will pay a , a licence fee .
15 Fulham will pay a low introductory rent for three years while they seek a partial redevelopment of the stadium .
16 These are terms that : the supplier acting in the course of a business will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill ( section 13 ) and within a reasonable time ( section 14 ) ; and that the customer will pay a reasonable charge ( section 15 ) .
17 Under the Government 's proposals , taxpayers in Barnet will pay a lower tax than they paid under the discredited rating system which the Government abolished and they will pay less than they would under the Labour party 's proposals .
18 No one earning less than £21,000 will pay a penny more under us .
19 However , I wonder whether the Government will pay a blind bit of notice to the report , which illustrates not only what will happen to the mining industry but what will happen if we allow it to contract .
20 Every citizen in Britain in due course — in my judgment , it will be sooner rather than later — will pay a real , direct and personal price for what the Prime Minister negotiated at Maastricht .
21 He thinks that because you are a good master you will want Yussuf to be happy and so will pay a lot . ’
22 A partner will pay a flat rate Class 2 contribution of £267.80 together with a Class 4 contribution of 6.3% of profits between the lower earnings limit of £5,900 and the upper earnings limit of £20,820 which gives a Class 4 contribution of £905.94 .
23 It does not cover the dismissal by the vendor prior to the sale for the reason that the purchaser will either not buy the business if it contains certain employees or alternatively will pay a lower price ( see Wheeler v Patel [ 1987 ] ICR 631 ) .
24 Indeed , strictly , agreement is not necessary on price or delivery date : if no price is agreed , it will be implied that the buyer of goods will pay a reasonable price ( Sale of Goods Act 1979 ( SGA 1979 ) , s8(2) ) and , if no date is agreed for delivery of the goods , that they will be delivered within a reasonable time , and at a reasonable hour ( SGA 1979 , s29(3) , ( 5 ) ; strictly s29(3) only applies where the seller is bound to send the goods to the buyer , but a similar , more general rule applies at common law : see below Chapter 7 ) .
25 Similar rules apply to contracts for the supply of services ( Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982 ( SGSA 1982 ) , s15 ( implied term that the customer will pay a reasonable charge ) and s14 ( implied term that the service will be performed within a reasonable time ) ) .
26 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
27 It has also been agreed that Italy will pay a reciprocal visit to Dublin in April when they will take part in a Four Nations competition to replace the Home International championships , following England 's decision to pull the plug on the domestic series last season .
28 ‘ People who earn more than £40,000 will pay a new tax rate of 50p in the £1 and that additional money will go into the health service and education .
29 If approved , two people living in a band D house , will pay a combined regional council rates and water charge of £504 — that 's £26 or 5.4 per cent more than they now pay in poll tax .
30 Earnings per share fell from 27.3p to 15.8p , but BG will pay a total dividend of 14.2p for last year , against 10.25p paid for the nine-month trading period to the end of 1991 .
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