Example sentences of "will be interested " in BNC.

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1 Shareholders will be circulated with details of this ‘ in a matter of weeks ’ , according to yesterday 's statement , and they will be interested to hear the details of what was dismissed by London as a ‘ piece of financial engineering , pure and simple . ’
2 Hopefully , these opinion-formers will champion the act 's cause and gradually the public will be interested enough to find out more .
3 Masterman claimed that by this means Britain ‘ actively ran and controlled the German espionage system in this country ’ Readers of the present book will be interested to know whether Professor Hinsley corroborated this .
4 Better to have only 1,000 farmers at an event , but almost all of them intimately involved with growing a particular crop , the logic runs , than 10,000 farmers of whom only a small proportion will be interested in particular machines .
5 Parents will be interested to know of the sort of records that will be kept on their children .
6 Our lady readers will be interested ; and , if you touch their hearts , it might dispose their husbands to be charitable .
7 ‘ Do you not think that our women readers will be interested in what I have written ? ’
8 Incidentally readers of a more literary bent will be interested to know that the poet W B Yeats lived next door to Crapper for a spell but fails to record the fact in his memoirs .
9 Few smallholders will be interested in growing potatoes as a cash crop .
10 The interview panel will be interested in exploring the recruit 's capabilities in several relevant areas , while always remaining mindful that formal qualifications are not necessary for advice work .
11 More serious mathematicians and religious persons will be interested to work out further equations : Peace , by the power of Love is God .
12 Just for a child to know that someone will be interested in her work or to have the opportunity to do something for someone else and know it will be appreciated can significantly change the child 's attitude to the task .
13 The consortium hopes that Greater Manchester , which generates 2700 tonnes of rubbish a day and is fast running out of holes in the ground to dump it in , will be interested .
14 I could have called it k instead , but for reasons that become apparent in a moment we will be interested in the size of the square root of the number , so I have used
15 READERS fascinated by Mike Benton 's article ‘ The age of the rhynchosaur ’ ( 7 April , p 8 ) will be interested to learn that Warwickshire Museum , Warwick , has some splendid fossil remains of the beasts collected from local quarries .
16 ‘ You will be interested to learn , ’ he wrote back , ‘ that they burn satisfactorily at 70 degrees below zero . ’
17 I will be interested to see Chandos 's forward planning for contracted pianist Shelley and hope that his ambition to record various Romantic and 20th century repertoire is evenly spaced with the Mozart series .
18 However , they will be interested in the chapter on Corrosion control by surface coatings which deals with a number of systems including the principles of phosphating , and the use of chromates and lead and zinc based primers .
19 It is only common sense that an interviewer will be interested in a candidate who actually shows some enthusiasm for the job and the firm .
20 Most children are probably sick of hearing about bad teeth , but the guardians of their dental health will be interested to note that the Royal College of Physicians quite firmly advocates a fibre-rich diet which ‘ encourages mastication ’ for the good of the teeth .
21 Of course we will be interested in seeing any products that the UK 's undisputed Father of the Custom Guitar brings to our attention .
22 But , as an exile friend says , threatening to throw himself in Chihana 's footsteps , ‘ It seems the only way the media will be interested is if something happens to someone else . ’
23 If you are restoring an old house , you will be interested in the Forgeries range of reproduction ironmongery .
24 Hopefully what Wigan will be interested in is my speed . ’
25 Maybe Dundee will be interested in players here , or I might have to break the club 's transfer record to get him . ’
26 Among the many ‘ thank-you ’ letters I wrote , I sent one to Alan Shell of the Humanist Association , who replied , ‘ We are very glad our letter was of help to you and you will be interested to know that I propose to send copies of your letter , with your name deleted , to our funeral officiants in the hope that they will take courage from it and help any others who might be in similar difficulties . ’
27 What employers will be interested in is the confidence and faith you have in yourself to revise and update your clinical skills in order to place them in a service context .
28 Many people are expressing an interest in playing the game and no doubt many parents will be interested in mini-rugby for their children .
29 Railway enthusiasts will be interested in the Richard Guinness Hall which houses his magnificent collection of many prototypes of early railway engines .
30 That 's what people will be interested in . ’
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