Example sentences of "will [be] considerable " in BNC.

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1 There will be considerable pressure on Mr Parkinson to ensure that safety is not compromised by lack of funds , and he has promised that money would be no obstacle to improving safety .
2 A centesimal potency creates a wave of some size and when it reaches the shore there will be considerable disturbance while the turbulence subsides and the remains of the wave penetrates to its furthest point .
3 If there were a wish to record ‘ the levels ’ on a precise and continuous basis , differences between children will be considerable and the change the greater for youngsters who might , in a less overtly labelled system , be confident late developers .
4 There will be considerable opportunity in this kind of shared activity to talk with the children as they play and for the teacher to discuss the mathematical ideas involved .
5 ‘ If I am motivated and do the work myself they are quite happy there will be considerable improvement , ’ he said .
6 And their effect will be considerable , for they will merely be modelling the kind of attitude and commitment that most teachers have buried but not lost .
7 The letter expresses four concerns about the TGAT report : that the assessment proposals require an enormously elaborate and complex system ; that there will be heavy reliance on teachers ' judgements in addition to the nationally prescribed tests ; that the costs will be considerable ; and that the new system will take a long time to implement .
8 This world view forgets that people must live now , and , even if capitalism is inevitably to break down , there will be considerable room for manoeuvre over how this happens and what will replace it … .
9 Peter Ashby in Citizenship , Income and Work ( part II , St George 's House , Windsor , 1989 ) accepts that there will be considerable difficulties in phasing in a guaranteed training place for every long-term unemployed person .
10 A novel or a film which merely alludes to a crime committed by the author or subject could fall within the scope of ‘ Son-of-Sam ’ legislation and there will be considerable room for debate as to whether ‘ a piece of art , a musical composition , or a poem is an expression of the criminal 's thoughts or feelings about his crime . ’
11 The additional costs in terms of new machinery , fuel , damage to soil structure , and additional chemicals , will be considerable to the farmer .
12 Certainly the first signs from other areas in which the Government have been allowed to carry out such schemes show that there will be considerable problems for transport users when the changes are introduced .
13 Despite their best endeavours , it is clear the impact on the landscape and local communities will be considerable .
14 In the longer term , however , the effects will be considerable .
15 Will the Secretary of State confirm that whatever savings the Ministry of Defence may make by the regimental amalgamations proposed in ’ Options for Change ’ , there will be considerable on-costs to the public purse , through expenditure on unemployment and housing benefits ?
16 It is clear that there will be considerable disruption locally during construction .
17 Following the changes under ’ Options for Change ’ and the withdrawal of our units from Germany , there will be considerable pressure on our training areas .
18 The value of these data , not currently collated in a systematic or comprehensive fashion , will be considerable for detailed research into local electoral behaviour and party competition .
19 Thirdly , there will be considerable cash flow implications for the purchaser , particularly if the creditors fall due to be paid before the debts are collected from the debtors .
20 The responsibility of the adviser will be considerable and his independence from the parties should be beyond question .
21 If the period is too short , little smoothing will be achieved ; if too long , the irregularities will be flattened out to an almost straight horizontal line and there will be considerable gaps at each end of the series .
22 , general manager Performance Fabrics , added : ‘ We believe there will be considerable growth in the Middle East . ’
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