Example sentences of "there wo n't " in BNC.

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1 Indeed Alex Wyllie , their coach , already expects to reselect his Test team en bloc : ‘ There wo n't be changes as long as those players keep their form . ’
2 In future , he said , ‘ there wo n't be the same reference points , the same vocabulary , the same diction , the same touchstones ’ .
3 Resources must be applied so that there wo n't be unacceptable damage .
4 There wo n't be need to invite many , ’ she proposed carefully some days later .
5 Although there wo n't be the saturation advertising that usually attends popular capitalism , there will be a prospectus containing a supportive letter from the Prince of Wales , and offers of preferential access to the centre 's facilities .
6 ‘ Do n't know for sure yet , but there wo n't be any European corporate jobs left after we centralise everything in Detroit .
7 ‘ Well , there wo n't be any European job functions , that 's for sure , ’ Muldoon said .
8 And there wo n't be a war . ’
9 There wo n't be another taxi .
10 ‘ Well today you had just better fix it so there wo n't be any damage , ’ she said , and then speared him with a saccharin smile .
11 The Landrat of Ebermannstadt in Upper Franconia , frank as usual in his comment , reported that people in his area Were too careful to say such things as ‘ Hitler will give us no peace till everything has had it ’ , but said instead ‘ there wo n't be any peace before … ’ , and meant the same thing .
12 ‘ The fact is there have been no negotiations for my return to Neighbours and there wo n't be any , at least until I 'm back from touring overseas .
13 I just hope there wo n't be too many … the music room can only hold about a hundred , comfortably .
14 He is fit and there wo n't be a healthier-looking horse in the field . ’
15 Harry Ramsden 's chairman John Barnes said yesterday : ‘ There wo n't be any chop suey or snakes on offer . ’
16 Good socks ( bear in mind , there wo n't be many clothes washing opportunities … )
17 There wo n't be time , sir . ’
18 There wo n't be a next time , I 've seen to that .
19 There wo n't be anybody else in bed with her ? ’
20 There wo n't be anyone in offices — just park up and drop keys through door .
21 I am afraid that the local production — certainly at this early stage — is only in low numbers , so there wo n't be any massive sums involved , but in view of this , and to settle the negotiations as soon as possible , I suggest setting a flat rate of 7% on all three titles involved .
22 I am afraid that the local production — certainly at this early stage — is only in low numbers , so there wo n't be any massive sums involved .
23 I said , ‘ If we birdie the last there wo n't be any need for a playoff . ’
24 I said , ‘ If we birdie the last there wo n't be any need for a playoff . ’
25 ‘ I 'm afraid there wo n't be a new house , my dear . ’
26 There wo n't be quite so much for everybody as usual , but it will be stronger and it wo n't make us all sick quite so easily . ’
27 Should you say , ‘ Unless you stop quarrelling with your sister I wo n't be able to finish my work and there wo n't be time for a story ’ , you must be prepared to see through the planned , but logical , consequences .
28 There wo n't be any promises of state purchases . ’
29 There wo n't be anything like that .
30 ‘ No , there wo n't , ’ she said .
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