Example sentences of "who pointed out " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Must be the only hill between here and Russia , ’ he observed to Catherine who pointed out it was n't much of a hill , more a fifty-foot ridge , it just looked high in this dead flat plain .
2 It was the Reverend Baron who pointed out to his landlady that her husband and his employers , about whom he had heard a great deal , would be lucky to get back to Florence ‘ before war really takes hold ’ .
3 The truce was , however , greeted with scepticism by defence officials and citizens , who pointed out that the document was unsigned and did not have the public backing of the pro-Serb Yugoslav army .
4 But this pleased neither the defence ministry nor the navy who pointed out that it would merely sail back again .
5 Might I remind you of the work of Dr. Bowlby , who pointed out the effects of mother deprivation on children ?
6 But there was one fault in the design which did not escape the sharp eyes of the Thrush Green neighbours , and John Lovell was one who pointed out the weakness to his brother-in-law .
7 One of the major critics of the original Phillips curve was Milton Friedman , who pointed out that the main determinant of the demand for and the supply of labour is the expected real wage , and not the money wage ( see Ch. 2 ) .
8 Even in its heyday it was challenged by the Gestalt school ( Koffka 1935 ) , mainly working in Germany , who pointed out that there were real perceptual phenomena that were quite incompatible with the more radical versions of S-R theory .
9 A high degree of constructive conflict is almost essential in this process and I should perhaps quote the comments of a wise manager I worked for at one time , who pointed out that in industry the optimum level of conflict is not zero ; just as no friction or one hundred per cent friction immobilizes movement in a mechanical sense , so total absence of conflict or one hundred per cent conflict will immobilize movement in a company .
10 A word of warning was however sounded by Professor John Boardman of Oxford University , in talking to The Art Newspaper , who pointed out that most kouroi are eclectic works .
11 The egalitarian doctrine of the priesthood of all believers was intended to apply only to matters spiritual ; but it was Luther who pointed out , " When a priest is murdered the whole country is placed under interdict , " and asked , " Why not when a peasant is murdered ? "
12 The power of capital is very great and it was a Tynesider ( Jack Common ) who pointed out that those who do not admire capitalism will never beat it .
13 A notable illustration of this complexity even among hard-core racists was the NF official who pointed out that he had been elected by both black and white work mates , despite his well-known NF affiliation , because he fought equally hard for blacks and whites ; he claimed a liking for blacks and maintained that he played football and drank with them , although politically he supported repatriation .
14 The notion of speech acts was introduced by the Oxford philosopher J. L. Austin , who pointed out that in uttering this or that well-formed sentence a speaker is doing something over and above expressing its literal meaning .
15 It was Irene , for instance , who pointed out something I 'd never been able to put my finger on : that Tod ca n't talk and smile at the same time .
16 Brandt 's emphasis on the annual variation of light and nutrients was modified by Alexander Nathansohn ( 1878–1940 ) , who pointed out that the vertical circulation of water played a vital role in bringing nutrients to the surface .
17 It was Helen who pointed out that Mrs Fitton would have been concerned about the newspapers , as well as with her regard for Edward and for Edward 's welfare .
18 It was not until she came across a book by Sylvia Crowe , who pointed out how often the English countryside is spoilt by gardens blazing in colour which intrude on the natural backdrop , that she realised her mistake .
19 We were shown around by the site director , who pointed out some of its features and also the spoil heaps .
20 Only this weekend , I had a telephone call from a distressed daughter who pointed out that her mother , who was widowed 18 months ago , had just received a threatening letter saying that , if she did not pay £11 for the 16 days between 1 April and 17 April 1989 , during which her husband had been alive , poinding action would be taken against her .
21 Not the least of those was highlighted capably by my hon. Friend the Member for Wolverhampton , South-West ( Mr. Budgen ) , who pointed out that , if the right hon. Gentleman was to achieve any of his aims in regard to European monetary union and convergence , he would be required to support policies that would inevitably increase the country 's tax burden considerably .
22 The criticism came from the former senior chief inspector , Mr. Eric Bolton , who pointed out that , under Labour 's proposals , the inspectorate , instead of advising the Secretary of State directly , would have to rely on the secondment of some senior inspectors .
23 This was not necessary , according to a source close to the NIO who pointed out it already owns the land at Hydebank .
24 A distinction drawn the previous day by Law and Order Minister Adriaan Vlok , who pointed out that the UDF was subject to restrictions but not formally banned , was dismissed by the UDF on Jan. 18 as a " play on semantics " ; moreover , the UDF had decided simply to disregard the restrictions , rather than apply to the authorities to have them lifted .
25 It was the Saudi oil minister , Shaikh Ahmad Zaki Yamani , who pointed out that a cut-off of Gulf oil would raise prices and ‘ seriously affect the Western economic recovery , .
26 It was indeed Darwin 's wife , Emma , herself a scientist , who pointed out the real danger in the use of scientific method when she asked him : " May not the habit in scientific pursuits of believing nothing till it is proved , influence your mind too much in other things which can not be proved in the same way ? and which if true are likely to be above our comprehension ? "
27 The first three kinds of honorific were clearly distinguished by Comrie ( 1976b ) , who pointed out that traditional descriptions have often confused ( i ) and ( ii ) : the distinction is that in ( i ) respect can only be conveyed by referring to the " target " of the respect , whereas in ( ii ) it can be conveyed without necessarily referring to the target .
28 Greenpeace 's campaign against the seal hunt has drawn fierce criticism from Greenland Inuit leaders , who pointed out that the seal was not an endangered species , and that its hunt was a traditional part of the Inuit economy .
29 In spite of the fall , the Government still came in for criticism from opposition parties and trade union leaders , who pointed out that the total was still higher than this time last year .
30 Downing Street , ever sensitive to Ian Lang 's problems , meanwhile told Scots who pointed out that northern latitudes are colder than southern , that they should take comfort from Budget measures on whisky and the oil industry .
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