Example sentences of "who [was/were] stand " in BNC.

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1 Many such individuals , from Alexander Raven Thomson in the leadership to fascist rank-and-file like Jeffrey Hamm and Robert Row , were deeply committed entrants into the movement who were to stand by Mosley through all his trials and tribulations .
2 She hurried across the course and pushed through a knot of ghoulish spectators who were standing gloomily by the area which had been cordoned off .
3 When on a shoot at the Taft Hotel , Dustin warned the Hoffmans , who were standing behind the ropes , to keep behind the barrier and also , knowing of his father 's blighted ambitions to be a director , not to say anything .
4 Fighting for breath he called up to the driver , ‘ I ca n't find anything amiss , ’ and then walked towards his workmates who were standing talking .
5 She said that she had ‘ accidentally brushed against one of the four girls who were standing on the pavement ’ , whereupon ‘ all four caught hold of her , and beat her in a most savage manner , using fearful language ’ and left her on the pound bleeding profusely from the nose and mouth .
6 There was nobody else except two strangers who were standing at the back of the church .
7 He did not notice the men , who were standing in the darkness .
8 She came to his side and stared along the alley at the two men who were standing unwarily outlined in the light of a held lantern .
9 These ladies in full flight scared the pants off the eunuchs who were standing guard on their tees , and who immediately dropped their balls and scarpered with the wives in hot ‘ pur ’ suit .
10 Some Territorials who were standing near me became pensive .
11 Just then one of Father 's secretaries , who was standing right behind me , said , ‘ Such purity of line , do you notice , even when she 's only showing that sweet child how to curtsy . ’
12 A hoarse , angry noise came from the crowd and faces turned to look at Fleming the teacher , who was standing near the manse under a yew tree .
13 But one day at the club when he trotted out this phrase during some heated discussion in the midst of a little group of members ( all of them persons of some consequence ) , Nicholas Stavrogin who was standing to one side alone and unnoticed , suddenly went up to Mr Gaganov and , taking him unexpectedly and firmly with two fingers by the nose , managed to drag him two or three steps across the room .
14 But his reminiscences , twice , thrice told , were lost on the dance-hall air as Erika walked away round the hall , affecting not to see Fritz who was standing moodily by the door , and giving a start of surprise when he asked her to dance .
15 ‘ She 's been like that most of the afternoon , ’ Sister Duggan , who was standing by at the foot of the bed , told him .
16 Vincent looked at Lily who was standing beside her bed , twisting the tassel of her dressing gown between her fingers and crying .
17 After all , one of them was Mrs Eileen Paisley , who was standing against the outgoing Lord Mayor to protest his papist flag-lowering .
18 Miss Davison , who was standing close to the rails a few yards from me , suddenly ducked under the railings as the horses came up .
19 She was the one who was standing still , frozen in every way into herself .
20 The first thing Carlie did when she got to the foster home was pull the plastic footrest up close to the TV : ‘ Do n't talk to me when ‘ Young and Restless ’ is on , ’ she warned the foster mother who was standing behind her .
21 ‘ Are you glad we came , Agnes ? ’ she asked her friend who was standing back a little from the craftsmen as they worked .
22 ‘ He 's right , ’ said another man who was standing by a window .
23 ‘ I could use some too , ’ said Mary Mauchline who was standing beside Andy .
24 Startled , George turned his head to stare at a woman who was standing up somewhere in the middle of the tight-packed rows of the audience .
25 Malcolm Muggeridge about Mrs Marilyn Carr , a candidate in a Croydon by-election who was standing on a ‘ pro-life programme ’ ; against abortion and the medical termination of babies born deformed or with Down 's Syndrome .
26 Can you remember who was standing with Livesey , when you left ? ’
27 ‘ What 's up ? ’ he demanded , addressing the back of a blue-overalled worker who was standing beside the machine .
28 He felt suddenly angry with Maud , who was standing stock still , in the dark , not moving a finger to help him , not urging , as she with her emotional advantage might well have done , further exploration of hidden treasures or pathetic dead caskets .
29 When I finally caught up with my sprinting friend , who was standing innocently taking a swig from his water bottle , the needles on all my body dials were twitching into red .
30 And then an old woman who was standing at her door said , Go in a lucky minute , and make spoil of whatever you wish .
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