Example sentences of "who [vb past] lose " in BNC.

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1 He was one of seven MPs who agreed to lose their moustaches or beards in a ‘ shave-athon ’ to raise funds for research into leukaemia among children .
2 Those who could n't read the words made them up , and Tich , who 'd lost his glasses , settled for singing ‘ Widecombe Fair ’ instead , coughing , spluttering and relishing his last night out .
3 After being the man who 'd sell his sister , he was about to become the man who 'd lost his wife .
4 Trace Coley , who 'd lost a match and a lover in as many minutes , burst into tears .
5 Apparently they were doing a programme about monarchs who 'd lost their thrones and gone into exile .
6 Another satisfied and delighted lady owner who 'd lost jewellery which has now been found .
7 A short film would be shown of a man who 'd lost his memory through a cerebral stroke at the age of twenty-three , and was learning to programme his life so he could live alone , and then I would speak about the day-to-day struggle of living with someone who is in no-man 's world without reference and without time .
8 The house was built by a local architect called Cecil , an old man with a raspy white beard , who 'd lost half an arm to a wayward chainsaw .
9 I was a child who 'd lost his own mother , and was looking for affection .
10 It hit sectors and people who largely escaped before , the skilled , the clerical workers , the managers and the professionals who 've been badly mauled this time , and where last time around er the service sector was expanding to mop up some of those who 'd lost their jobs in manufacturing , this time the service sector too has been in deep trouble .
11 The new manager was n't having a go at the players who 'd lost two-nil to Sporting .
12 One of the crew who survived lost his wife and daughters who had been passengers .
13 In Elizabethan England , it is recorded that the vicar of Brenchley in Kent who kept losing his voice during services blamed this on the malicious witchcraft of one of his parishioners .
14 BLIND Nick Killen — who had to lose his sight to save his life — sent his hero Jackson a get-well message yesterday .
15 Or would Eden think of the air marshals , and the children who had lost their parents in a blitz , and former warriors who had seen too much blood on a battlefield , and exercise a silent veto , by going for the second preference ?
16 When he did get up to go to the room he looked like someone who had lost the train of thought he had set out on and had emptied himself into blankness , aware only that he was still somehow present .
17 His cousin would say that I was no good , that a girl who had lost her father like me could never be any good .
18 Sri Lanka , who had lost their previous two Tests against Australia by an innings , were never put under pressure .
19 While I was in Germany I took a special interest in the treatment of creative men and women who had lost direction and in some way broken down .
20 Lady Edisbury , who had lost an infant in the epidemic , wrote to her husband :
21 Indeed , the bitterness of separation was more terrible than before for those who had lost the belief that an afterlife would bring reunion in happiness .
22 The imagery imprinted itself on the minds of a whole generation of parents who had lost young children .
23 Bregawn swept over the third fence from home and made his way into the straight , Pursued by Captain John ( who had lost ground when blundering at the third last ) , Wayward Lad and Silver Buck .
24 She was on the point of ordering some of her people to hurry over to Acropolis Park to call in person , when one of her more canny officers , who had lost no time in searching the sector , arrived back at the Club .
25 Warrington30 St Helens18 ST HELENS , the only remaining challengers to Wigan 's serene progress towards their third successive championship , almost handed the title to their historic rivals by producing a shambles of a performance against struggling Warrington , who had lost four of their last five games .
26 In Paris , where she and her husband performed for refugees , the theatre was so crowded that there was no room for many parties of children who had lost their parents and were in the care of relief organisations .
27 Despite the ‘ ceasefire ’ , considerable bitterness remained in several quarters , much of it focusing on Mr Ruslan Khasbulatov , Speaker of parliament , who described ministers as children who had lost their way .
28 ( I recently watched a more formal version of this technique where a class of adolescents was invited to direct the teacher in how to appear as a King of a small Greek State in classical times who had lost his power to a conquering neighbouring state but who did not want to lose his dignity .
29 The women , who had lost their craft specialisation , had few opportunities to develop any new specialisms and so lost the independence and prestige they had had from making cotton lengths .
30 Yet a woman who had lost a husband or failed to get one at all , might find herself in genuine distress .
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