Example sentences of "who [verb] previously " in BNC.

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1 Commenting on the letter to Tolba , Mr Lapointe , who has previously insisted that his actions and those of his staff are entirely correct , would only say yesterday : ‘ My comment is that I am fed up with all the garbage . ’
2 Finally when moving into a new house it pays to replace door locks — you do n't know who has previously had a key ! !
3 LEON RUSSELL ‘ Anything Can Happen ’ first album for ten years from the much-respected musician and songwriter who has previously worked with Phil Spector , Bob Dylan , George Harrison and the Rolling Stones
4 In their preface , ( who has previously written several excellent books ) and ( an astrophysicist who now directs the National Center for Supercomputing Applications in Illinois ) invoke the image of a global ‘ cyberspace ’ , a construct of pure information , parallel to , but distinct from , physical reality .
5 To this end , an SPR may only be passed on 6 times and can not be passed to a user who has previously held it .
6 This suggests that it may sometimes be possible to identify people likely to experience events which will match a long-standing difficulty before the occurrence of the event itself : a pregnant woman , for instance , who has previously had three miscarriages .
7 The court must consider appointing as guardian anyone who has previously acted in this capacity for the child but is not obliged to re-appoint .
8 ( 3 ) If the buyer is to give the seller an indemnity against breach of covenants under which the seller might have continuing liability ( eg the original lessee under a lease or a seller who has previously given a personal covenant not limited to his or her period of ownership ) , then again , to bind the buyer to the covenant , the buyer must execute the document .
9 And then the guitarist went from Davey to Bernie Watson , who 'd previously been with Screaming Lord Sutch 's band ; then from Bernie to Roger Dean ( yes , the one who does all that artwork on Yes albums ) and from Roger Dean to Eric , and then Eric to Greeny and then to Mick Taylor … ’
10 An impish musical visionary who 'd previously worked alongside Marc Almond and Barry Adamson , she enlisted the help of vocalist Frances Adie and ex-Tommy Chase Quartet keyboard player Teddy Edwards .
11 Now the main target of the attack were the , the local tyrants , the evil gentry and the , the lawless landlords , people who 'd previously held power before who the peasants , or who the communists were trying to , to take the power away from , they , they were people who were it was possible to motivate the peasants against er again phrasing everything , er the people are evil , you know , that they , they were tyrants .
12 Sally Hawes , the Secretary , is a young woman , recently married , who trained as a stenographer and who worked previously for a building firm .
13 The plight of an Argentinian clerk , Perico Rodriguez , imprisoned and tortured because of his criticisms of the military government , was brought to Amnesty 's attention by an English couple who had previously befriended Rodriguez two years earlier when they were hitch-hiking across Argentina .
14 These last were soon replaced , on 9 May , by a more specific and highly organized pressure group headed by many who had previously mounted the Pro-Life Anti-abortion Campaign .
15 Conversely , many of those in the amalgamated force who had previously worn helmets in their earlier life and had been moved into flat caps in 1969 welcomed the return to ‘ natural ’ apparel and their own version of a correct bodily disposition which had been prescribed in a 1958 edition of the Northumberland County Police Standing Orders .
16 Their master-in-charge , John Martin , was very impressed with St Paul 's , who had previously beaten Wellington 8-4 , and St Paul 's must have enjoyed their weekend victory against Whitgift , when they won 36-0 .
17 Many low caste people who had previously been craft workers turned to farm work , and as farmworkers they had to be paid not in the old feudal terms but an amount definitely related to the work they did .
18 Seeing the way the debate was going , the health spokesmen of the Labour Party , Michael Meacher , and of the SDP , Mike Thomas , who had previously been urging me to make economies in the drugs bill , jumped overboard and joined the critics .
19 He was able to marshal the support of the Grand Master of the Orange Order who had previously condemned Paisley 's extremism .
20 While the election of Paisley was a major blow to the credibility of Chichester-Clark , who might have been better advised to save face by not becoming personally involved in opposing Paisley , William Beattie 's victory in South Antrim was probably more damaging in that Beattie was far less well known , was standing in a more cosmopolitan constituency , and was competing against a man who had previously been a cabinet minister .
21 When Clifford Smyth was persuaded to resign from the DUP , he also felt obliged to leave the Free Presbyterian Church , not because the leadership of the Church suggested it , but because he felt a tension between himself and other congregation members who had previously been political colleagues .
22 The second group , of those — even including some Party members — who had previously been apathetic or negatively disposed towards the Party , thought that the time had now come when they could air their feelings .
23 After Independence , Partition and the departure of most British and Muslim cadres from the ICS , Nehru , the new Prime Minister , who had previously been less than sympathetic to the ICS , came increasingly to depend upon men such as Pillai , who — embodying the Service 's traditions of discretion and loyalty — had no difficulty in serving a new master .
24 Janet Walters , an Oxford history graduate who had previously served as a full-time tutor in Northamptonshire in 1943–45 , arrived in August 1952 but resigned two years later : she went on to a successful career in adult education , eventually retiring as principal of Hillcroft College , Surbiton , in 1982 .
25 Henry Parris , tutor-organiser for Northamptonshire who had previously served in a similar capacity in Yorkshire North District , also acknowledged that most of his organising work could have been done by voluntary members , given the time and opportunity to travel around the county .
26 For Long Terminals , Sessionals and Tutorials , non-branch members who had previously paid 11s. 0d. now had to pay £1 ; instead of 12s. 6d. branch members had to find £1 4s. 0d .
27 Few had considered this and a number who had previously chosen evenings changed their answers after reflecting on this follow-up question .
28 The views of people who had previously looked after those who died sometimes reflected their gratitude and admiration for the people who took on this task .
29 A friend of 30 years standing who had previously cared for a woman with senile dementia described how :
30 That defeat caused France — who had previously looked to Russia as an ally — to look to Britain for mutual support , enhancing the Entente Cordiale which had developed following King Edward 's visit to Paris , with Queen Alexandra , in May 1903 .
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