Example sentences of "'s getting [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She 's getting desperate here !
2 ‘ I guess , ’ I tell him , ‘ he 's getting personal now because his usual targets have become more wary . ’
3 ‘ It 's getting ridiculous , ’ Bromley says .
4 This whole situation 's getting ridiculous .
5 I keep reading about South Africa 's problems and it 's getting daft ; here we face an international squad who have already played four Tests since returning to the world game and who have played 12 games together on tour .
6 He 's getting regular excellent care and attention from you .
7 that 's , that 's the modern church cos he knows everyone 's getting pissed on a Saturday night , so they 've got ta let it
8 But Dave has a complaint : ‘ Tokyo 's getting crowded with foreigners , ’ he says .
9 ‘ He 's getting daring .
10 It 's getting boring . ’
11 It 's getting boring
12 That 's getting boring .
13 It 's getting hot in the van .
14 It 's getting hot in here .
15 ‘ I expect the Emperor 's getting bored with the waiting and decided to see if anyone was awake on this side of the border . ’
16 ‘ She 's getting bored . ’
17 one of the things I 'm thinking of in the longer term and I I bounced this of er was that if groups moved to Stansted could not be moved across to groups to sort this problem out because I think she 's getting bored in what she 's doing
18 A bratpacker with brains , Broderick co-stars with Marlon Brando in The Freshman this month — but he 's getting tired of talking about it
19 To the layman it 's getting nasty , but to the city it 's all pretty tame stuff .
20 It 's getting threadbare , you know , that particular excuse .
21 Remember it 's getting close on 20 years since their last Currie Cup win .
22 And he 's getting close .
23 Well , it 's getting close
24 I must stop this , she thought , Conrad 's getting drunk : I must be careful for him .
25 She 's getting low is n't she ?
26 I do n't think she 's all that keen on them , and sometimes she kicks them all out , if it 's getting late and she wants to go to bed .
27 ‘ Come on now , girls , said Denis , leaning over to them , ‘ it 's getting late and pops is tired . ’
28 It 's getting late and you should go home .
29 It 's getting late .
30 Now this will definitely test your listening skills and , I know it 's getting late in the afternoon and you 've had a heavy meal , but you really do have to concentrate because the feedback you give him is now , or her rather , is now vitally important , okay , cos you have n't got a second bite of the cherry .
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