Example sentences of "'s none [prep] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 As for effects , sometimes there 's none at all , depending on the reverberance of the room we 're playing .
2 She 's got no children , she was telling me last night in bed , there 's none on the way either .
3 It 's none of my business — but I would stress that the IRA never requested that I buy any such items for them . ’
4 There 's none of the dazzling leaps or appalling lapses that gave previous albums a dynamic range .
5 ‘ Look , it 's none of your business where I go , ’ he said .
6 ‘ Do n't bother me ; it 's none of your business . ’
7 We know it 's none of us new boys , so — ’
8 There 's none of the rigorous logic and choreographed confusion of real farce , and director Jude Kelly labours under the mistaken impression that if the characters rush around and shout a lot , then they are bound to be funny .
9 It 's none of our business .
10 There 's none of the sentimentality associated with pets in this country .
11 ‘ I could answer that 's none of my business .
12 ‘ It 's none of her business . ’
13 There 's none of that overbearing macho posturing normally associated with loud noise and Billy C is n't afraid to show his more feminine side .
14 The Crow Road , which masquerades as a comfortably sequential Bildungsroman ( it 's none of those ) , is also very much about the imagination and its processes .
15 Less cryptic was Barbara Bush , who once fumed at me after I made a similar enquiry : ‘ It 's none of your business and absolutely not …
16 And I do n't intend to meddle in your family life — if you ca n't talk to each other , it 's none of my business . ’
17 Anyway , you 'll say it 's none of my business , but I can tell you , you 'll go further and fare a lot worse .
18 There 's none of it here tonight .
19 I 'm not being inquisitive , Captain , and I know it 's none of my business , but why do you remain anchored here ?
20 I 'm afraid there 's none of that — transport , I mean — except Archie McLaren 's Land-Rover , the one that carries you from the harbour .
21 ‘ It 's none of my business . ’
22 That 's none of my business so long as I do n't have to break any laws .
23 You may think it 's none of my business "
24 " Jane — I do n't want to interfere — I mean it 's none of my business , but "
25 And anyway it 's none of their business .
26 And perhaps the most difficult one to remember is the easiest of the lot , the acid plus the metal cos there 's none of the usual stuff , no salt no water just the hydrogen coming off .
27 She knew without seeing him : There 's none of the vigour that glows in Friend ‘ s pattern . )
28 Going back in the train , Ruth made sure that no one else was listening , then ventured to say : ‘ I know it 's none of my business , but are you and Kristof — you know what I mean together ? ’
29 ‘ You stay out of this — it 's none of your business ! ’
30 It 's none of his damn business what you do !
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