Example sentences of "n't [be] worth " in BNC.

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1 It is often said , for example , that the Indonesian island of Bali is ruined and that it has n't been worth going to since the 1930s , but to walk through a Balinese night breathing the warm silk of tropical air accompanied by the croaking of frogs and the distant gongs and gamelan music of a temple celebration is a magical experience .
2 The life he 's leaving really has n't been worth living . ’
3 I decided it was just because she had n't mattered that it had n't been worth shocking her .
4 In a way , it 's ended up being a good test to measure potentially good relationships against bad ones , because say I went out with someone and at a party they said , ‘ Sit on me lap , darling ’ , and then they said , ‘ Oh God , you 've only got one leg ’ — well , I 'd know they would n't be worth going out with !
5 I 've seen loads of rings like this , so they ca n't be worth much . ’
6 And if we cut down the number of our operations — for the part he 's making it would n't be worth automating .
7 But it would n't be worth doing , if there was n't a chance that it might end in tears .
8 From now on yer life wo n't be worth tuppence ! ’
9 ‘ I keep in touch with both my sisters and my brother 's wife — she rings me every week or I ring her : And my niece and nephew — well , life would n't be worth living without them .
10 ‘ This place would n't be worth a twopenny fart after that little incident . ’
11 ‘ It would n't be worth it … people only want to hear new issues not scratchy old ones … ’ and so on .
12 ‘ It would n't be worth dragging all the way to Spain just for the three of us , darling . ’
13 If he was to catch thee , all thy fighting skills would n't be worth an ounce o' flea shit . ’
14 It just would n't be worth it . ’
15 Keith Skeoch , chief economist at stockbroker James Capel , said : ‘ Whatever he puts forward now in the way of economic policy wo n't be worth the paper it 's written on . ’
16 If it does n't work because I ca n't carry the experiment through ’ — I shrugged my shoulders — ‘ it would n't be worth starting on .
17 It wo n't be worth anything because it wo n't have meant anything to you .
18 ‘ My life wo n't be worth living , ’ St Ives prophesied dejectedly .
19 There are too many concepts and procedures to learn , and for simpler applications , if probably wo n't be worth the effort .
20 ‘ Do you realize , Charles , that if these Labour Johnnies go and slap on this gift tax they 're talking about , crimes like young Nigel Steen 's wo n't be worth committing . ’
21 Happens , but they do try and go for bigger takings , I mean they 'll not break into my house it wo n't be worth all that worth .
22 It just would n't be worth it — it would choke . ’
23 My flat ca n't be worth more than 20,000 do you know what band that 'll be ?
24 ‘ FitzAlan would think of him , too , and Ralf 's life would n't be worth a straw . ’
25 ‘ If my lord ever finds you here , scrubbing tables , my life wo n't be worth a straw , ’ muttered Ellen two hours later , as she wielded a brush with more energy than accuracy .
26 ‘ Your park wo n't be worth having when the bomb 's dropped . ’
27 I mean the pound in ca n't be worth the
28 They claim that the huge crop will push down prices , and this , coupled with cheap imported plums from Spain will mean it simply wo n't be worth picking the fruits .
29 And we 'd only be interested i with that scenario that you could virtually er get the Independent at a song otherwise it would n't be worth having .
30 That would n't be worth two ninety nine then .
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