Example sentences of "an eye for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You do seem to have an eye for essentials . ’
2 But you have to develop an eye for spotting possibilities ; a kind of ‘ picture eye ’ which sees a winter sky in the grain marking on one particular piece of veneer or a rock formation in the figure on another .
3 Aesthetically , Londoners will have to draw what consolation they can from the fact that Nicholas Ridley , the former Environment Secretary and a water-colourist with an eye for broader horizons , had some influence in the siting of the gates .
4 What troubles the admirer of Lewis the critic — the man who had such an eye for excellence in the poets of past ages — is that he could be capable of stanza after stanza in which the verse is deadened by flat language , repeated clumsy enjambments and sheer technical incompetence .
5 He was committed to middle-of-the-road filmmaking , which he defined as ‘ escape entertainment of pleasant people in pleasant surroundings doing pleasant things ’ , had an eye for a subject that could be exploited , and was fascinated by stardom .
6 It 's not satire exactly , since Hayworth has too kindly an eye for the human condition .
7 Ernest had an eye for detail , and Undertown displays this to the hilt .
8 An eye for a good outfit is something that both the Minogue girls share .
9 Kylie has always had an eye for composition and colour , and is particularly gifted in the art of watercolour .
10 Watching him in the market she saw how popular he was , and certainly he had an eye for the best produce on offer , but when it came to the exchange of cash he parted with it too readily .
11 With a sharp ear for dialogue and an eye for the engagingly surreal , Amidon charts this trio 's uneasy passage through bereavement to self-discovery against a quirky thriller concerning drought and illegal shenanigans in the water sales business .
12 To have a Coronation Street star and Cilla Black introducing your rallies showed an eye for the bathetic .
13 It was rumoured that Laura had an eye for the men , which did nothing to consolidate the marriage , or to abate Woolridge 's white-hot temper , which was never far away .
14 The Tooth Fairy and Other Stories , by John Miles shows him to be a photographer with an eye for the bizarre ( until 21 Feb )
15 She turned her from pink to soft blue and grey-green and gold , to the satisfaction of everyone with an eye for colour .
16 She always had half an eye for him ; sometimes I thought she watched him as a tamer does a tiger .
17 Many skills such as ploughing , using a scythe , working with horses , or developing an eye for livestock may take years to attain ; the later in life you come to it , the slower the progress .
18 More important for his choreography , he had an eye for what other dancers could achieve .
19 Besides , those who thoroughly understand the possibilities of their own language are more likely to want to venture into the world of literature than those who have never been taught to have an ear or an eye for language .
20 ‘ He was one who had an eye for such mysteries ? ’
21 There was the same mission to conquer land with gold replacing milk and honey , a wagon-train exodus , a plethora of heroes with a policy of taking an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth .
22 ‘ I could be quite wrong here , but amongst the French soldiers likely to attend the opera is one of exalted rank , married to an ageing but unfaithful wife , and with an eye for a pretty woman … ’
23 A bizarre by-product has been the recognition of various richly decorated fragments of the church in places as far afield as Barcelona , Venice , Aquileia , and even Vienna , presumably carried off to the West as loot after 1204 , by members of the Fourth Crusade who evidently had an eye for exotic sculpture .
24 An eye for a profit
25 Request : that eternal campaigner for true justice was asked if he would consider writing a foreword for a book titled ‘ An Eye For An Eye , A Tooth For A Tooth ’ .
26 ‘ That should prove I 've an eye for a winner . ’
27 Directed by Val May , this archly absorbing escapade also features Deborah Watling ( Emma Kent ) , and Rowland Davies as the police inspector with an eye for apprehension .
28 Those with an eye for a lucrative deal raced to convert every spare inch of space — from barns and warehouses to derelict docksides — into fashionable homes .
29 She developed an eye for fashion and an air of glamour and all heads would turn as we walked along .
30 She is intelligent , sensitive , and has an eye for an elegant fabric .
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