Example sentences of "has fallen to " in BNC.

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1 It has fallen to salaried professionals in universities , public record offices , the Business Archives Council , corporate bodies themselves — and the ‘ vanity press ’ — to salvage and conserve the tons of old papers explaining the historical context of what tumbled off the production line .
2 The figure has fallen to less than 60 per cent as overseas banks have become keen lenders .
3 From DM3.07 sterling has fallen to DM2.96 .
4 Britain 's aid budget has fallen to 0.32 per cent of gross national product , less than half UN 's target of 0.7 per cent .
5 It will question NAB 's assertion that the value of the brewery operations has fallen to such a level that asset-backed loans are in jeopardy .
6 The job of quietening them has fallen to Bob Burgreen , the chief of police .
7 Its public debt has fallen to 111% of GDP from a peak of 131% in 1987 , but this is still the second highest ( behind Belgium ) of any industrial economy .
8 ICI , in sixth place last time , has fallen to 12th : still heavily dependent on commodity chemicals , ICI 's restructuring has not made it as immune to the industry 's boom-bust cycles as it had hoped .
9 Now that share has fallen to 42% .
10 Although the number of fatal accidents on farms has fallen to about 60 a year , Carl Boswell , the Health and Safety Executive 's chief agricultural inspector , says it is proving very difficult to cut the tally further .
11 The cropped area has fallen to about 1,500 ha .
12 NIN ( 29 November 1987 ) claims that the proportion of Albanians in Kosovo has now reached 85 per cent , which would imply that the proportion of Serbs and Montenegrins has fallen to about 11 per cent .
13 The jobs are an attempt to inject ‘ new blood ’ into university departments where the turnover of staff has fallen to a trickle and to give new emphasis to information technology .
14 From a peak of 400 mines around 1850 , the number has fallen to just four .
15 Another Alton Joggers Club record has fallen to Sarah Rhimes .
16 The waistline on bikini bottoms has been pulled up while the usual high leg cut has fallen to something less severe .
17 ‘ It looks at the moment as if she has fallen to her death , ’ a spokesman told TODAY .
18 The ‘ official rate ’ of interest has fallen to 9% with effect from 6 December 1992 .
19 However , by the time we have moved forward from the crack tip to roughly the position of the next interatomic bond , the stress has fallen to rather less than half the peak value .
20 The Neurocranker — an elite class competition climber with a body and brain augmented by medical and computer technology — has fallen to his death from a competition climbing wall 5,000 metres above Tokyo .
21 Since then the rate offered has fallen to 7.6 per cent gross .
22 The government boasted that the number of patients waiting for hospital treatment for over a year has fallen to a ‘ new record low ’ .
23 By the beginning of spring , the column amount of HNO 3 has fallen to 1.6 x10 16 moleculecm -2 , about half the value at the end of autumn .
24 With new mid-range models , NWS5000TF and the NEWS5000TG in its News workstation line , based on the R4000 RISC chip , Sony Corp is mounting a new offensive in the Japanese workstation market , where it has fallen to fourth place from third , deposed by NEC Corp as the number three player behind Sun Microsystems Inc and Hewlett-Packard Co .
25 Following the abolition of systematic and routine transaction-based border controls in Europe on 1st January , the job of monitoring VAT payments and trade , and collecting intra-community trade statistics , has fallen to the companies themselves .
26 Ever since I started observing it , about 30 years ago , the magnitude has remained between 4.6 and 5.3 , with a mean of 4.9 , but there are occasions when it has fallen to below 6 .
27 Since the 1970s , in common with the rest of the industrial world , it has fallen to its lowest level ever recorded .
28 Industry estimates show Remington 's market share has fallen to 28 per cent from a peak of 40 per cent in 1986 .
29 The average for all exhibits is down to twelve days , and the blood alcohol has fallen to 1.2 days .
30 As the resistance R c is still included in the circuit the winding current can be monitored and when the control voltage has fallen to the transistor T2 is switched on again .
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