Example sentences of "been drawn from " in BNC.

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1 Thus , both sides have tended to use social scientific research to make statements in general about catholic schools which have been drawn from other countries and , therefore , beyond the cultural confines within which Irish catholic schools exist .
2 The same principle is still used , to a lesser degree , where vegetables containing bitter juices , such as aubergines and courgettes , are sprinkled with salt and then left until the juices have been drawn from the flesh .
3 Arab immigrants to the United States have been drawn from all over the Middle East .
4 The population had been drawn from many countries with as many as 20 different nationalities in a school .
5 This of course , was quite ridiculous , as neither of the officers ’ truncheons had been drawn from their cases .
6 So much water has already been drawn from the delta that more than 90 per cent of the original wetlands have disappeared , says Yassa .
7 Confirmatory techniques exist to assess how likely a difference of proportions of a given magnitude is to arise in sample data when it has been drawn from a population in which no such difference exists .
8 If a faculty , or department , or a certain special group of students is missed out then the sample itself has not been drawn from the correct population .
9 The statement ‘ If rain falls on spruce forests , the rain can become even more acid ’ may have been drawn from a recent paper from the Institute of Terrestrial Ecology that certainly showed that water flowing down the stem was more acid than that caught in the open .
10 The terms ‘ pre-service ’ and ‘ in-service ’ have been commonly used ; they are , in fact , misnomers , for a substantial proportion of entrants to ‘ pre-service ’ training have always been drawn from the ranks of those untrained teachers who perform such an important and unrecognised job in African primary schools .
11 The political sting had been drawn from pacifist witness .
12 Two conclusions have been drawn from this evidence :
13 Around two-thirds of works on show have been drawn from British public collections but a number of other exhibits have not previously been published .
14 Sixty-four paintings , twenty-six works on paper and a selection of photographs have been drawn from public and private collections including the Metropolitan , the Art Institute of Chicago , the Fondation Maeght , the Musée de Grenoble , and a number of private collectors and dealers .
15 He notes the erroneous conclusions which have been drawn from comparing the functioning of the Kenyan Industrial Court with apparently functionally similar wage-regulating institutions in New Zealand and Australia , in the absence of any consideration of the vast differences in the nature and basis of trade union power as between African countries and industrialised economies .
16 There are other examples where totally wrong conclusions have been drawn from the publication of early evidence , causing considerable unnecessary distress to many people in the meantime .
17 Therefore , most of our knowledge of the make-up of the stars has been drawn from instruments based upon the principle of the spectroscope .
18 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
19 In the following analysis , most of the examples have been drawn from one classroom of 9–11 year olds where we were studying collaboration in writing .
20 Those most coveted by the early civilizations of Egypt and Sumer , notably lapis lazuli , had been drawn from remote sources since Predynastic times .
21 I was on my side , facing away from the door , the covers had been drawn from me .
22 In recent years much has been drawn from other denominations and a much wider choice of hymns and music is one of the fruits of ecumenism .
23 At the same time , there have been cases in which ‘ the inference of illegal conspiracy ’ has been drawn from ‘ detailed similarity of behaviour ’ .
24 We started the chapter with a quotation from Robbins ; it might equally have been drawn from other writers , such as Ortega y Gasset , F. R. Leavis or G. H. Bantock .
25 Although , despite her principles and her ingrained reluctance to compromise , she could not suppress a pang of gratitude even now — as she dished up her broth and herb dumplings for the candidate — that an attack of the low fever , caught as usual from terrible , tormented Mrs Rattrie who , this time , had died of it , had kept Luke in bed during that wild week last summer when the plugs had been drawn from Braithwaite 's boiler and all Luke 's brave young friends who had got into the habit of gathering to smoke their pipes and set the world to rights of an evening in her hen-run , had gone marching off to join their " brothers ' from across the Pennines .
26 In faceted schemes , synthesis is often achieved with the intercession of a facet indicator which makes it possible to identify which parts of the notation have been drawn from any distinct facet .
27 Lawyers for whom ducal service constituted a major part of their career were more likely to have been drawn from outside the duke 's regional orbit .
28 The rioters appear to have been drawn from a broad cross-section of London society : the majority were wage-earners , small craftsmen and tradesmen , although there was an appreciable " white collar " or professional element , and even some gentlemen rioters .
29 When this matter was discussed at housing committee , I believe it 's only last week but it seems a lot longer ago , I spoke at some length about the errors and fallacies in the report arguing against a case that officers have put forward , pointing out mistakes and erroneous conclusions that seem to have been drawn from some very flimsy evidence .
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