Example sentences of "been a busy " in BNC.

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1 I closed my eyes for the rest of the journey as it had been a busy two days and I did n't feel lik& going to the council offices either , It would be too late anyway so I decided to take a stroll by the river and see how Nigel was getting on with the excavations .
2 ‘ It 's been a busy summer right enough , ’ Susan commented .
3 But it has been a busy and peripatetic decade for Taylor , Heglund and their co-workers .
4 Normally I would have completed it well in advance , but it 's been a busy week .
5 It 's been a busy week : a 21st party for Dawn the dancer , a theatre party where the cast thrashed the crew at charades , dinner with the gentlemen of the orchestra at Browns , a charity dinner and a silly supper with the principals where we all did a party piece .
6 Friday had been a busy day .
7 What an inglorious end to what had once been a busy loco shed that had been the scene of so much activity in its heyday .
8 You have been a busy bee , Newman was thinking .
9 You been a busy boy tonight .
10 IT 'S been a busy couple of months in the ‘ video vaults ’ of Corporate Communications with three videos distributed and a few others on the production line .
11 It 's been a busy day . ’
12 My , my , our Rainbow 's been a busy girl .
13 You have been a busy girl , have n't you ?
14 It had n't been a busy day in London town , but there was no mention of anybody falling through windows in Leytonstone .
15 It has always been a busy committee but especially so in the last year or two , not least because it has taken on more responsibility .
16 The establishment of the Enterprise Staff Development Programme ; the setting up of an Academic Link scheme ; the ‘ piloting ’ of ‘ Live Projects ’ ; a ‘ pilot ’ Student Tutoring scheme ; enterprise studentships ; the formation of a network of Enterprise Co-ordinators are a few ‘ highlights ’ of what has been a busy programme of work for the year 1992/1993 .
17 Dixie says it has been a busy day .
18 All in all it had been a busy but constructive evening 's work .
19 ‘ Oh , not so bad ; it 's been a busy week , lots of medicals and a casualty-faking exercise . ’
20 The first weekend of the new year has been a busy one for the regions fox hunts — and for anti hunt campaigners .
21 But on the home front , too , it 's been a busy year .
22 The Duchess said : ‘ It 's been a busy day but very worthwhile .
23 It has been a busy time in London , with new contracts across the city .
24 Been a busy little bee .
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