Example sentences of "been [adj] kind " in BNC.

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1 But if they had n't been there , if they had been different kinds of men erm , I do n't think I would have been able to pick someone to be my husband or my partner who could be a decent father to my kids .
2 From medieval times there must have been some kind of dwelling on the slight rise in the ground upon which the house stood .
3 This is exactly the way the band saw it and , when pushed , certain employees of Rough Trade agreed that there had been some kind of promotional foul-up .
4 From Henry 's recollection of the trial , which was , admittedly , not all that clear , Young had been some kind of chemist .
5 In all the equipment mentioned so far , there seems to have been some kind of mathematical experience inherent .
6 He 'd been some kind of engineer .
7 There must have been some kind of remorse .
8 When I wake up , maybe I 'll find that , like the death of Bobby in Dallas , all the recent news has been some kind of bad dream and that labels like Sarah , Non Fiction , Play It Again Sam and Cooking Vinyl all have bands on Top Of The Pops .
9 Dinner consisted of pea soup , which Millie found quite nice — she could taste there had been some kind of pork boiled in the liquid — followed by a meat pudding .
10 There has unquestionably been some kind of collusion between Jesus and Judas .
11 On the basis of these figures , there has clearly been some kind of shift in the axis of the economy from manufacturing to services .
12 There had been some kind of religious fantasy , and a possibility of homosexual tampering .
13 What I 'm asking is , could there have been some kind of mistake here , at your end ? ’
14 The officer led him into what had once been some kind of common room .
15 There had been some kind of vast domed hall as he passed through the Gates ; he thought there had been colours within the light then , and he had received a dim impression of a far-off vaulted ceiling .
16 In between the Oaks and the Elms darted the Silver Birches , slender and frivolous-looking , with wild , shining white hair that streamed out behind them and mischievous features and trailing garments that might have been some kind of cloth , but might as easily have been simply their pale leaves .
17 Here he encountered Charles I 's young daughter Elizabeth [ q.v. ] , to whom he seems to have been some kind of chaplain and with whose virtues he was much taken .
18 It must of enlightened them on what the scriptures meant , by the sacred secret , cos before it must of been some kind of weird mystery to them
19 He had been all kinds of fool .
20 Over the last twenty years or so , one of the things that 's slipped has been those kind of things and I believe and Peter may disagree with me , but a lot of the have been because of the commercial fact that the thing that is now driving the newspapers more than anything else is , is the advertising and advertising revenues and that drives the style of newspapers and stories that are written .
21 Has there been any kind of surprise of the amount of support that you have got ?
22 ‘ I hope there has n't been any kind of trouble , ’ she said , watching the policemen disappear up the path .
23 ‘ There 's never been any kind of attraction between me and To — ’ She stopped , seeing the darkness in his eyes and understanding it .
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