Example sentences of "have [be] victim " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , parents of children who have been victims of sexual offences may not want their child to be interrogated and to go through the trauma of reliving the experience in court .
2 Victim or victimisation studies are designed to investigate the number of individuals who have been victims of crime .
3 Not so , says Helen Peggs , spokeswoman for Victim Support , which aims to support those people who have been victims of crime .
4 A recent study by the North London Polytechnic shows that about 27 per cent of men have been victims of some unwanted sexual contact before they are 18 , compared to over 50 per cent for women .
5 But the group 's Fifties-style , sweet harmony singing is in complete contrast to their background- the brutal streets of Philadelphia where many of their friends and family have been victims of violence or bloody murder .
6 Although Johnson does not go so far as to claim that the affectless society was responsible for the Moors Murders , she does feel able to argue that the general atmosphere in society at the time had ‘ infected ’ the social system , and that ‘ Brady possibly , Hindley almost certainly , have been victims of fallout ’ .
7 Aleks ( Russia ) , a Moscow-based security company , is marketing a computer database of business partners to avoid : rather suspiciously launched on April 1 , the service — Conduit — has information on what it calls ‘ untrustworthy commercial partners ’ and the database is apparently updated by aggrieved entrepreneurs and firms that have been victims of fraud or deceit and are seeking redress ( or revenge ) — canny Aleks says it can not be responsible for the data contained on the database ; users must pay 5,000 roubles as an initial fee , plus another 100 roubles a month and 20 roubles for each reference .
8 How has the power of this system of classification been dealt with by those who have been victims of its perverse games of inclusion and exclusion ?
9 The major reasons for a care order are that the children have themselves committed an offence , they are in need of care , protection and control , or they or another child of the same family have been victims of an offence or are in the same household as a person convicted of a serious offence such as manslaughter , cruelty or suchlike .
10 Specially trained BT staff will also be on hand to advise those who are suffering from nuisance calls , and it is intended that self-help groups will be set up by people who have been victims themselves .
11 Meanwhile , UK band Cancer have been victims of the dreaded Bundesprüstelle für jugendgefährende Schriften — or National Body For Censorship Of Work Dangerous To Youth .
12 The Kurds have been victims of particularly intense repression : there have been fresh attempts to destroy the Kurdish autonomy movement , with the result that a host of Kurdish guerrilla groups now fight with Iran against the Baghdad government .
13 The contracting parties affirm their intention to create without delay a legal foundation permitting the rehabilitation of all persons who have been victims of a politically motivated punitive measure or any court decision contrary to the rule of law or constitutional principles .
14 Meanwhile , UK band Cancer have been victims of the dreaded Bundesprüstelle für jugendgefährende Schriften — or National Body For Censorship Of Work Dangerous To Youth .
15 When you see people who have been victims in a completely different situation you realise they are human being and you have got to do your best for them
16 FOUR out of five shopkeepers in Dublin have been victims of crime , a new survey has revealed .
17 If other readers have been victims of con tricks why not pass on a warning to others through our Letters Page ?
18 CRIME-HIT small firms are demanding more powers for the police and courts today after a survey found that almost 50pc of them have been victims of some sort of crime .
19 Children who have been victims of abuse should not be further abused by the system . ’
20 Over the past six or seven years we have been victims of the city council 's urban regeneration strategy .
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