Example sentences of "we [det] walked " in BNC.

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1 The couple were deluged with rice and we all walked back to the bride 's parental home afterwards .
2 If we all walked round with the same face and same coloured skin it would be pretty boring , would n't it ?
3 So we all walked down the corner there we all had our beds round there everything was laid out .
4 There was mud everywhere , especially around the house itself where we all walked and where the lorries , jeeps and wagons drove .
5 We all walked to his house together .
6 So we all walked the few steps to Wuthering Heights .
7 My master 's main concern was Irvine 's non-appearance and when darkness fell on our third day at Coldstream , we both walked out on to the convent wall , peering into the darkness as if willing him to appear .
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