Example sentences of "she wished [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes Alix shook off the liberties irritably , but tonight she submitted , responding to the petting , intimate , female warmth ; she kissed and was kissed , she thanked them for their Christmas cards , she wished them a Happy New Year , she shook hands with the older women , she laughed and felt safe with her friends , she made no effort to repel their eager affection .
2 She wished they did .
3 She wished they would go away and just leave her alone .
4 How she wished they could turn him out at once .
5 She wished they could both make it up and release her from this terrible trap .
6 Allen looked at Marian , unsure what she wished him to say .
7 She wished him goodbye , thanked him for coming and could see again the face of his wife on the only occasion she had met her : tight-lipped , unable to approve , fiercely loyal to John .
8 She wished him goodnight and he raised that shameful hat as she turned and walked away towards the theatre , rubbing her hand against her hip-bone like a soiled cloth against a scrubbing board .
9 Remotely , she wished him three inches taller .
10 And she had no doubt that Tristan would listen when she explained to him what it was she wished him to say on her behalf , or in which direction she wished him to urge her to go .
11 And she had no doubt that Tristan would listen when she explained to him what it was she wished him to say on her behalf , or in which direction she wished him to urge her to go .
12 If she wished him away then he might die and it would be her fault .
13 Margrida 's absence would enable her to tell him that she wished him to cut down on the pretending — and on his caresses .
14 She wished him goodnight , and set off to walk up the hill , her feet scarcely touching the ground .
15 ‘ Goodnight ! ’ she wished him for a fourth time , and went to her room feeling very much better about everything .
16 Gabriel sat by his bedside , uncertain if she wished him to live or die .
17 She wished her father was like this young man who sat in his own shrine on a country kitchen dresser amongst used OHMS envelopes and sprigs of dried white heather .
18 She wished her parents lived in the Aran Islands and that there could be no question of her having to go home every night .
19 She wished her father and mother were like other parents and not so narrow-minded .
20 She wished her father was home but he was very rarely around much these days , and when he was her mother fought with him .
21 She yawned and stretched ; she wished her siesta could have lasted until the following morning — no , the following week .
22 She would n't wake him — but she wished her nagging pain would go away .
23 She wished her mother would leave the room , leave her alone with Miles .
24 She made it clear that she wished their relationship to continue , but could nor tolerate Charles 's violent outbursts .
25 The first thing she wished me to stress more fully in my essay was the goodness of many of her characters , even the occasional goodness of some of her tyrants .
26 It would n't be difficult to show that she wished me ill .
27 She wished me well , though neither of us knew
28 He said : ‘ She wished me luck next time I went back . ’
29 She wished her to dust the furniture , burnish the coal scuttle , and clean the windows .
30 It was Charlotte 's wish really and when she wished something we all fought to fulfil it for her .
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