Example sentences of "she 'd never " in BNC.

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1 Jay 's hand played a sonata she 'd never seen the score for .
2 So serene , in fact , that after we 'd had a meal at the bungalow and a few drinks my mother did something she 'd never done before .
3 She 'd never said that to him before — nor indeed to anyone in her whole life .
4 Dot wished she 'd never made that claim about eating bananas .
5 But perhaps she 'd never really been there at all .
6 Now that she was back in one , it felt as though she 'd never been outside .
7 SHe 'd never begged help off anyone before — had n't needed to .
8 She was sure she 'd never found the scent of cooking food so seductive .
9 Just being in the arms of this unique person , whom SHe 'd never been absolutely sure SHe could hook , effectively wiped the unpleasant memory from hir mind for the night .
10 She 'd never even mentioned them and I was sure she 'd think I was unclean .
11 ‘ This chap pointed out that she could n't be a widow , as she 'd never married .
12 She 'd never known the Lobster Pot to have so much atmosphere .
13 It spread before Maggie , and she 'd never heard such a din .
14 She 'd never seen John drunk before , and did n't particularly like it .
15 She 'd never seen anyone so transfixed , but then he 'd never seen a naked woman before .
16 She had a fine , strong man , power that she 'd never had before , respect and position as Lady of Duart .
17 At least she 'd never seen one .
18 She 'd never ridden so big a horse as Sultan .
19 She had had every opportunity to be , for heaven 's sake , but she 'd never worked hard enough at it and now she did not feel like struggling with a foreign language to search for an item when she did not even know what she was looking for .
20 She should have thrown it out years ago but somehow she 'd never had the heart .
21 She 'd never met such a man .
22 She 'd never been in a hackney cab .
23 She 'd never had any more until the inspector had come to say she must go back to London .
24 She 'd never known a true home .
25 She 'd never been anybody 's dear before .
26 She 'd never dreamed of getting work in a place like this .
27 He 'd travelled half round the world , seen and done things she could only guess at , while she 'd never been further than Kingswood when she 'd been taken to be viewed as apprentice to a nailmaker .
28 It was obvious she 'd never been before .
29 She 'd never even met Dominic before this weekend . ’
30 She bought a pine table from a junk shop and slowly sandpapered it down in the garden , and then sealed it , something she 'd never done before , never even thought of doing before .
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