Example sentences of "she hope [was/were] " in BNC.

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1 She reached for Nina 's hands , and grabbed what she hoped were her little fingers .
2 Two hours later , as they sat watching an Irish comedian telling jokes that she herself considered quite unsuitable for family viewing , jokes that she hoped were incomprehensible to Celia and her grandparents , the telephone rang : it was her mother , to report that Liz had not telephoned .
3 ‘ Hello , ’ she said in what she hoped was a dignified version of annoyance .
4 She swam in what she hoped was the direction of the stairs , only to come up against a wall .
5 ‘ I do n't think you should be on your own , ’ she said in what she hoped was a calming voice .
6 Mrs Frizzell looked a little startled , and retired to the tea table with what she hoped was a stylish bow .
7 She suddenly recollected that she was now the wife of the director of a large company , and drew herself up with what she hoped was some dignity ; but she only succeeded in looking more than ever like a pouter pigeon .
8 ‘ Cheek ! ’ she said , in a voice she hoped was loud enough to be heard .
9 ‘ Anyway , ’ she said in what she hoped was a businesslike manner , ‘ I 've come to see if you can help me out on a special job . ’
10 Blanche had her face in what she hoped was an alluring pout of disappointment when the wine arrived .
11 But what she hoped was that he would return before breakfast so that he would find her here , crouched lonely and exhausted on the top stair , waiting for him , frightened because he had left her alone .
12 Pulling herself together with an effort , she gave him what she hoped was a cool look .
13 ‘ I learned something from Ana when we were leaving Granada , ’ she began , looking up with what she hoped was an intelligent determination to talk .
14 Remembering at the last minute her policy of poise and control , she straightened up and formed what she hoped was a suitably businesslike expression .
15 She drew herself up straight , turned on her heel and , even though Fen was not watching her , made what she hoped was a dignified exit .
16 With an effort , Melissa twisted her mouth into something she hoped was a smile .
17 She indicated the chair , and smiled what she hoped was a reassuring smile .
18 She nodded in what she hoped was an equally casual manner and followed him across the crowded foyer to the social club .
19 She gave Sister what she hoped was a confident smile .
20 All she hoped was that her job was as secure as everyone had led her to believe .
21 Tearing her gaze away , she slid the strap of her bag over her shoulder and said in a tone she hoped was controlled and businesslike , ‘ Very well . ’
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