Example sentences of "she [vb -s] had " in BNC.

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1 Though she has had little education , her vocabulary is excellent : she fountains out ideas and observations at breathless speed .
2 Everything that has happened to her over the past year has been genuine , from breaking her thumb to the operation , not to mention all the hassle she has had from standing by her father .
3 She has had hundreds of letters from adults sexually abused as children saying ‘ keep going , that they wished someone had diagnosed it in their childhood and describing the trauma they still suffer as adults even though to the outside world they are perfectly normal , respectable people .
4 Mrs Thatcher has been fortunate in that retirements of several senior personnel in the early 1980s gave her the opportunity to influence promotions ; there were thirteen appointments as Permanent Secretary in 1982 alone and she has had a hand in appointing the great majority of Permanent and Assistant Permanent Secretaries since 1979 .
5 A woman does , as she gets older , achieve a certain status in the joint family , particularly if she has had sons .
6 For the tutor it is the seventh conversation about The Prelude he or she has had that week .
7 She is pleased at the rewarding relationship she has with him , though it 's something she has had to fight to keep .
8 She has had skin grafts since being badly burned in the Siberian train disaster .
9 She has had a very interesting life , has n't she ? ’
10 Consequently she has had more than enough practice at fielding some of the more banal of my questions .
11 Once she has had a good rest , her world will put on a fresh complexion . ’
12 Although she says that it was not necessarily an easy step to take , her community was behind her , and the reactions she has had from friends and teachers have convinced her that the step she took was an important one , challenging stereotypes in the West about what it means to be a Muslim girl , and bringing her a great sense of identity and of no longer being at odds with herself .
13 She has had fifty governments since the end of the war , many of them dominated by the same personalities and the same political party .
14 Judith is astonished , as she has had a difficult relationship with her mother , whom she feels has little maternal feeling .
15 The likelihood of a syphilitic mother passing the infection on when she is pregnant diminishes the longer she has had the disease , and when she has been given an adequate course of anti-syphilitic treatment , there is no chance of her infecting her unborn child unless she herself becomes reinfected .
16 Although she has had no formal training , Jenny does have a great talent .
17 It has stood her in good stead , for she has had to deal with very serious health problems and has never allowed these to depress or hinder her .
18 When Poirot tells her that Hastings has remarked that the house looked haunted she assures them that if there is a ghost it must be a friendly one , because she has had three escapes from death in as many days so she must bear a charmed life .
19 It is when she focuses on novelists and poets that Cosslett faces a harder task , and she has had varying success with her four principal figures .
20 A good mare will often have the edge over a good gelding , because she has had nothing ‘ taken away ’ and so retains that extra sparkle .
21 I showed her my January AIM , then she announced it was just like going to art school : she has had some training .
22 She says she has had the chimney swept , but the problem persists .
23 She has had a bad time .
24 Promotions girl Jo , 25 , from Blackpool , confirmed she has had four lovers .
25 She has had eight husbands , one more than Liz , who married Richard Burton twice .
26 ‘ If the Queen thinks she has had a bad year , look at me — my whole life has been pretty horribilis , ’ said Olive , from Birmingham .
27 She has had three official police warnings after complaints from motorists .
28 She has had eight Top 40 hits in Britain , but is now more popular in India , Japan and America .
29 To qualify to jump in the competition that has in the past produced young internationals like Annette Lewis , Marie Edgar and Paul Sutton , she has had to tour all over England .
30 She is a bit upset that she has had to wait almost a year before receiving any income .
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