Example sentences of "she [vb mod] work " in BNC.

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1 She may work within a paradigm , and not be uninfluenced by how her mind was formed as she grew up within the discipline of science .
2 She may work with the Sisters of St. Francis , but she 's still a tinker . "
3 ICI stipulates that she must work a certain number of days a year to keep in touch .
4 It was plain that she must work doubly hard .
5 She must work out something shorter .
6 No instruction was ever given to Mrs Taylor that she must work on Sundays .
7 He 'd been helping his wife to , she must work for the council and he 'd been helping her and he said er the matron at Comfort House had asked and he , and he 'd noticed Jim 's name on when he delivered ours so he knew where they could , he 'd take them .
8 But is there not a danger that , at 14 , their choice would perpetuate class divisions — ‘ I am a professional , you 're good with your hands , she should work in a shop ’ ?
9 Instead of dwelling on portraying the figures in the worst possible light , she should work with us to reduce that time .
10 Laura collected sea-shells , looking for forms and colours she might work into her pots .
11 ‘ She says she 'll work , and we 'll jolly well keep her up to it !
12 I know she 'll work out and be very , very good .
13 She 'll work it out . ’
14 Behind them she could work with a charm and singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes .
15 Left home as soon as she could , McLeish observed , instead of starting where she could work from home .
16 After tea she had to ride out on Midnight , which she could work in with going up to Uncle Knacker 's to see the new horses .
17 Jo decided that she could work with anyone who hugged a tree .
18 There was the prizefighting for Midnight and she could work .
19 Being fond of tapestry work , this was frustrating until her husband made her an adjustable frame so that she could work her tapestry at eye level .
20 ‘ So the thing that I would say , if I had to give myself a brownie point , would be that I enabled her to see that she could work actively with the situation .
21 That was exactly what Emily had felt each week asking for her housekeeping ; now she could work out a budget to suit herself .
22 Behind them she could work with a charm and a singleness of attention that became so smooth as to be chilling , except for the friendliness of her large grey eyes ’ .
23 But she did n't want Uncle Albert explaining it to her when she got back if she could work it out for herself .
24 Perhaps she should put her money where her mouth was and forget all about him : if she concentrated hard enough , she could work herself up to not caring about him — perhaps .
25 Would ask Shang Chen if she could work an extra hour this end of her shift and leave an hour earlier .
26 But , before she could work out why , his tone had changed again .
27 She could work with Cavell , Maria had decided by the next afternoon .
28 OK , so he was well-built , and he was going to make a tough opponent , but there had to be some chink she could work at .
29 There was no way she could work the boat unaided , back through all those locks , to the original moorings .
30 She was prying open the weave of the bag so that she could work the handle of her riding crop into it .
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