Example sentences of "had [be] married " in BNC.

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1 Her mother was only about 21 at the time — she had been married when only 13 .
2 At the time Jamila had been married , her husband 's brother had also been married to a girl named Zahira .
3 I was 24 and had been married for four years before I discovered I was a lesbian .
4 A wife , who had been married for six years , consulted the defendant firm of solicitors about her divorce proceedings .
5 Mrs Ireland had been married for thirty-nine years .
6 She had been married for five years and it took as many years again to finalise the divorce .
7 ‘ Elsie and Simon had been married for six years or so when she disappeared .
8 Two years after they had been married , Elinor had suddenly , mysteriously , developed a weakness in her legs , and Henry , who , equally mysteriously , in those days was n't trying to kill her , had hurried her to the local hospital where the doctors had diagnosed — wait for it — polyneuritis .
9 Arthur Conway had been married before he met her mother .
10 After losing his wife he had nearly gone to pieces ; yet they had been married six years .
11 She had been married for 19 years and had four children ( aged between 12 and 17 years ) .
12 Elizabeth and Harry had been married for ten years , both for a second time .
13 I have a feeling that he had been married but I do not know what happened .
14 It was in that ugly repository of polished pine , acoustic tiles and garish , sentimental stained glass that he and his wife had been married , and in a flat in the rectory , living above the parish priest , that they had made their first home .
15 She was an Irish Catholic woman of twenty-eight and had been married for nearly two years .
16 She had been married 19 years ; they had no children together , but each had a son from a previous marriage .
17 As they were mainly couples who had been married for a number of years and were now able to move to a larger , more expensive home , their children ranged in age between seven and nineteen years .
18 They could , at any rate , Dinah thought wryly , go with respectability ; they had been married yesterday .
19 It had come her way because , leaving them in charge of Mrs Gracie , Dinah had gone for diversion to what she expected to be a dull sewing-meeting in the Islington church where she and Paul had been married .
20 In all the years they had been married , she could not remember quite such serious conflict .
21 They had been married fourteen years and there were four strapping children .
22 They had been married for more years than she and Rob had lived .
23 Constance promised that she would , but she was so afraid of the outcome that she knew she could n't , not until she and Ludovico had been married and she was beyond her mother 's power .
24 By the time he had been through that and was ready to return , Jennifer had been married and divorced and was almost a stranger again .
25 The couple had been married nine years .
26 Perhaps because he spent so much of his time alone , he told me all about his wife , his two children , the home they had bought in Sanderstown , how long he had been married , where the children went to school — all the details of life in a town of about 60,000 people .
27 She had n't been to an art class since she had been married .
28 They had been married for only a few weeks before he had been hacked down by a sabre .
29 They had been married for about a year .
30 The first photo on the roll said 12.13 , and we had been married three minutes .
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