Example sentences of "had [be] particularly " in BNC.

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1 For instance , he had been particularly close to his mother .
2 She has also proved more willing to allocate political honours to party workers than was Mr Heath who had been particularly niggardly in this regard .
3 As he ended , there was an enormous cheer on our side and I saw one of our backbenchers who had been particularly critical over the weekend waving his order paper in enthusiastic support .
4 ‘ This was going to be a celebration tonight , ’ Roirbak said , disconsolately gathering the pieces of a robot Lennon had been particularly vicious with .
5 Kylie 's astute accountant father had been particularly impressed by Blamey 's management of stars like Mark ‘ Jacko ’ Jackson .
6 They called themselves the Clamshell Alliance after the local clam fishers , who had been particularly upset by the plan .
7 Franjieh 's rule had been particularly corrupt ; his son Tony was exalted to the Cabinet through a process of nepotism scarcely rivalled elsewhere in the Middle East .
8 His existence had been particularly dull , holding down brief part-time work selling clothes in Manchester 's underground fashion world .
9 In 1972 the Criminal Law Revision Committee had been particularly exercised by the fear that silent suspects could ‘ ambush ’ the prosecution with evidence at their trial which they did not mention during questioning and which the police now had no time independently to verify .
10 He found he was still standing there some minutes later , not because the traffic had been particularly heavy — there had been several opportunities to cross — but because he was lost in thought about what he had seen .
11 But , looking into her face , it did n't seem as if her years of freedom had been particularly kind to her .
12 It was Janet who found , during the course of his work , that patients suffering from what he termed ‘ neurotic disorders ’ would often have significant gaps in their long-term memories — they had actually managed to block out incidents from long ago which had been particularly painful or excessively distressing .
13 I had been particularly struck by William Rees-Mogg 's column in the Independent on the day after the first leadership ballot .
14 That night had been particularly joyous , because Ashi felt that at last her family was allowing her to blossom fully into womanhood .
15 A couple of years after coming out , I met a heterosexual woman with whom I had been particularly close before I had blasted our cosy set up out of the water .
16 Castle ward councillor Henry Spyvee had been particularly concerned about gangs of drunken youths roaming the streets on Saturday afternoons , leaving broken bottles in their wake .
17 The researches of Robert Whiting into the impact of the official reformation on the people of Devon and Cornwall have revealed that even in this conservative part of the country , where attachment to Catholic ritual had been particularly strong , statues of the saints began to disappear from churches soon after their condemnation by the Henrician injunctions , and within a short space of time the wills of the laity contained fewer references to images or intercessory masses .
18 It is now generally appreciated that Warner Bros had been particularly badly hit by the depression , largely because of the furious rate at which they had acquired movie-houses in the 1920s .
19 Manufacturing industry had been particularly affected by very high rates of inter-firm mobility during the inter-war years when average turnover of skilled labour was more than 50 per cent per annum .
20 They had been particularly interested in what was termed ‘ totemism ’ , that is , the adoption of an animal , bird , reptile , insect or fish as a special emblem for a clan .
21 It seems reasonable to suppose that they had been particularly depressed by the economic conditions of the inter-war period .
22 The predicament of the Attorney General during the protracted proceedings had been particularly awkward .
23 ( Her niece told me that she had been particularly good at her job . )
24 The fields were spread thick with buttercups and the may blossom which had been particularly plentiful this year was beginning to turn and fall .
25 The autumn harvest uprisings , for example , in the autumn of nineteen twenty seven which consisted of attempts to lead peasant risings erm in various parts of the countryside , particularly in the area er around here er Kiang See and so on where the peasant associations had been particularly strong .
26 Charles had been particularly annoyed about the toothlessness , she could tell , although he tried to conceal it : he had in fact been without his two front teeth that week , while having their thirty-year-old caps replaced , caps that marked a heroic accident long ago in a swimming pool in Sevenoaks .
27 Havelock Wilson who had , of course , been among those leaders to whom Larkin 's vituperation had been particularly directed , reserved his regrets for the oppressed people of Ireland whose cause had been so ill served by the " blunders and follies " of Larkin who " had such a splendid case , but made such a sorry mess of it , doing everything he ought not to have done and nothing that he ought to " and bringing , by his defeat , comfort to the Irish employers who had nothing good to be said for them at all .
28 Miss Blundell had been particularly nice to her .
29 Longman Group UK 's educational publishing had been particularly successful , she said : ‘ Longman Education took advantage of the exciting changes taking place in its market place and considerably increased its sales and market share , while Longman Higher Education 's refocus on its key academic markets paid off handsomely . ’
30 But the children 's events in which he had taken part had been particularly rewarding .
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