Example sentences of "his brother [unc] " in BNC.

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1 His crisis is precipitated by word of his transfer to another school ; he staggers towards resigning from the school he 's at , and maybe from the profession , and then bunks off for a long afternoon 's superlager , home-brew and whisky with his brother , who is on the dole , and two of his brother 's mates .
2 He said after the funeral that his brother 's marriage had been a shot-gun affair never consummated .
3 Dr Kavanagh , who wears a beret above fierce eyebrows and is known in New York as Frankie the Mechanic because he fixes the neighbours ' cars , is on permanent red alert over his brother 's reputation .
4 Dr Kavanagh sold his brother 's papers , including letters from Katherine to Patrick , to University College , Dublin , three years ago for £100,000 .
5 It becomes clear from Parker 's researches that Ackerley 's strongest emotion was guilt : over his supposed cowardice in the war , over his own survival at his brother 's expense , over his ‘ betrayal ’ of various working-class boyfriends .
6 Michael saw that his brother 's mind had moved — not far , hardly at ail , but still he had moved .
7 Ignoring his brother 's plea that he did n't want any , Bodo ordered beer .
8 ‘ What the — ’ Bodo began , then saw the expression on his brother 's face .
9 When he has been a Christian for three years , we find him , in the pages of his brother 's diary , reading The Epistle to the Romans , the greatest exposition in Scripture of the themes of Original Sin , Grace and Justification by Faith .
10 It is twenty-two years since I read that letter , first published in Warnie 's selection of his brother 's correspondence , and on and off I have been thinking it over .
11 AFTER six years of tortuous legal battles , Mr Thomas Mathew was yesterday granted permission in the High Court for a full trial in his action against the solicitor who held his brother 's will for £4 million .
12 In fact it was his identical twin , whom nobody knew about , and who had come back to tidy up his brother 's affairs .
13 In 1864 he unexpectedly took his brother 's place as a missionary priest and was sent to Hawaii .
14 Jacob reveals by his first words to Esau that he belongs still to the world of their stiff courtesy , and not yet to that of his brother 's gay abandon .
15 There was no equivalent to the judgement passed in the Garden , or to that passed on Cain in the field howling with his brother 's blood .
16 His brother 's party was no better , in his opinion .
17 For some reason , Abel 's offering seemed to go down much better with God than his brother 's did .
18 Well before then John Wesley had created an entirely different atmosphere in the British Isles by his wandering ministry , preaching and his publications , which together with his brother 's ( Charles ) hymns , had established a Christian people who were called ‘ Methodists ’ .
19 Since he had little choice but to pursue a policy of conciliation , Napoleon III tried again with William , now King of Prussia since his brother 's death in 1861 .
20 Stirling himself took over his brother 's flat again where the floor would be littered with maps and bits of equipment .
21 Based at his brother 's flat as usual , Stirling launched himself into a feverish round of activity .
22 Indeed , in a remarkable episode , El Cid is said to have forced Alfonso to swear an oath on sacred relics to the effect that he had nothing to do with his brother 's murder .
23 Here lies Garcia , King of Galicia and Portugal , taken captive by his brother 's craft .
24 What follows clarifies : his brother 's posthumous children are admissible as intestate heirs .
25 But since in trusts it is accepted that intention should be regarded , I replied that it was absurd , when the first substitution had not taken effect , that the granddaughter should be denied a claim for a share , since her grandfather wanted her to have the whole if the second brother had also received his brother 's share .
26 Yet he goes on to say that since intention must be considered in trusts , it would be ridiculous to deny the granddaughter a claim for part , since the testator wanted her to have the whole if the last surviving brother had also obtained his brother 's share .
27 Could it be , for example , that you fiancé himself is starting to take you somewhat for granted and that by comparison his brother 's attention comes as rather welcome ?
28 Seems his brother 's head was inside it . ’
29 The best Camembert that Isobel had ever tasted , which the patron said proudly had come from his brother 's farm , in the Auge region of Normandy — the only Camemberts worth buying , he assured them , came from there .
30 Yet if he , just a man , could not find it in his heart to condemn his brother or the boy who had used his brother 's weaknesses to lure him to his death , how could this God of love of his childhood destroy so savagely and so arbitrarily ?
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