Example sentences of "his visit to " in BNC.

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1 Rose of Lima 's mystical marriage to Jesus , his visits to her , her direct sense of his immediate and corporeal presence , was understood by her and her contemporaries as a direct reward , and more than a compensation , for the violence of her own purification .
2 Mr Clay went on to tell of his visits to a bone-setter , who successfully healed him after an accident .
3 Mr Atkins has , on his visits to the school , expressed his admiration for the involvement of the school in the community and the school is grateful for his co-operation , advice and support .
4 He explained how , in order to achieve such success , he had appreciated the importance of providing these treasures with conditions similar to their native habitat and ensuring their protection from frost — lessons well learned from his visits to the gardens of Collinson and Miller during his busy ‘ doctoring ’ days .
5 Hermitage with its tiny church dozes beneath High Stoy from where Grace Melbury watched her erring husband ride away on one of his visits to Mrs Charmond , and , a few miles to the west , Melbury Bubb is tucked beneath Bubb Down Hill , seemingly oblivious to the outside world .
6 Marcus , thus present occasionally at Jack 's house , where he evidently felt his visits to be a matter of duty , inevitably encountered the women , who treated him with suitable respect and awe , and Jack , who was nervously affable , and even on two occasions Gildas to whom he nodded politely .
7 On his visits to London he went to see Pyne and Reinagle but the entries are not very illuminating on either artist .
8 After his visits to London his wife was waiting to welcome him as if he had been away for weeks , and she was always dutiful in bed .
9 His friends will hope that as an Honorary Fellow he may long maintain his close association with that great foundation ; that with greater leisure he will increase his production and that his visits to Colnaghi 's will not be rare .
10 Not only was he engaged in his publishing work , his meetings of the Moot and the Chandos Group , and his visits to Oxford for the Christian News Letter , but also he set himself a punishing schedule of conferences , talks and lectures ; in the first week of January 1941 , for example , there were six full days of such conferences .
11 I owe him much in this regard and shall always be grateful for the interest and encouragement he gave to me on his visits to our school , in particular the visit he paid only a year ago when he addressed my staff and helped them all by his understanding and the depth of his practical knowledge and experience .
12 graces could be an embarrassment , for he had no polite small-talk and did not pretend to any ; his visits to Windsor were an ordeal for guest and hosts alike , to him because he disliked formality and to his hosts because he was so difficult to entertain and because he did not mince words with the King .
13 Morrison was host to such Victorian worthies as Ruskin , the great art critic , and Charles Kingsley , who is said to have been inspired to write his book The Water Babies by his visits to the Dales ( Vendale being based on Littondale ) and who once told somebody that the black marks on the face of Malham Cove were made by " the fingers of little chimney boys " .
14 The only activity Gerald had forbidden her was the embroidery of tapestry , which he had declared too menial an occupation for a young lady of her intelligence , preferring her to accompany him on his visits to neighbouring landlords as she had done that day .
15 Woodcock , who was living at home in Birmingham and studying medicine , enjoyed his visits to his ‘ wicked ’ uncle in London .
16 As Minton 's letters reveal , he chatted with her about his visits to Bristol to make advertisement drawings for the Imperial Smelting Corporation ( Colour Plate VII ) , about Michael Ayrton 's ‘ maddening ’ article , ‘ Picasso , Master of Pastiche ’ in Penguin New Writing and about Geoffrey Grigson 's Samuel Palmer : the Visionary Years which the students at Camberwell gave him when he left in December 1947 : What is absent in Minton 's letters to Edie Lamont is any hint of his riotous social life .
17 He afterwards told a journalist that on his visits to the cinema he was impressed by the audience 's reaction to the newsreels ( invariably concerned with Franco officiating at the launching of a battleship , the opening of an airfield or a barracks ) .
18 Wishart , on his visits to Hamilton Terrace , began to realise that Minton never listened to wise advice and seemed almost frightened of intelligent people .
19 As a result of his visits to The National Gallery , Peto recognised ‘ that the recording of the basic serenity of the human form must be my objective ’ .
20 Although Macmillan 's diary entries for 12 and 13 May provide the main direct contemporary source for what was discussed on his visits to Eighth Army , 13 Corps and 5 Corps ( there is no military source reflecting the contents of those discussions ) , it should be stated that Macmillan 's account tallies directly with all the contextual evidence for the range of problems which must have been put forward by each side .
21 This informally described his visits to 13 Corps and 5 Corps ( " I must say the troops are behaving with amazing self-control and good humour in a very difficult situation ; but … the utter confusion in these areas is really astonishing " ) .
22 Stephen liked to make a ceremony of his visits to the Foinmen , walking slowly the length of the avenue up to where the Giant stood , but there was none of this now .
23 The election of Cardinal Wojtyla of Krakow as Pope John Paul II in 1978 and his visits to Poland in 1979 and subsequently emphasised these attachments and strengthened the historic association between the Catholic faith and Polish nationhood .
24 In fact she had wondered before why Johnny had always worn civvies , as he termed them , on his visits to the cottage .
25 Chief Waterboy , Mike Scott , has plainly been influenced by his visits to Ireland .
26 The Spanish writer Gomez de la Serna , a friend of Picasso 's at this time and an habitué of the Bateau Lavoir during his visits to Paris , recalls that Picasso 's walls there were decorated with reproductions of El Grecos .
27 ‘ So you threatened Riddle that you would tell your mother about his visits to that house ? ’
28 One wonders whether he observed this on his visits to Hailing as the houses of the villagers spread down to the river near the Palace , an ideal place for the collecting of rushes .
29 He told how , on one of his visits to Delhi , the legendary Mullah Nasir-ud-Din arrived in the city in the middle of Ramadan .
30 She was still seething when they got into his luxury car , hired , he told her , as he did n't keep one of his own here , his visits to Taipei being infrequent and usually brief .
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