Example sentences of "they stood [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They stood amid the station crowds , arguing .
2 He was famous , people flocked to catch a glimpse of him , they stood for hours in the freezing cold in the hope that he would choose their hand to shake — for no better reason than an accident of birth .
3 They stood for a few moments in shy silence , staring from one to another .
4 They stood for a moment regarding it , then Meg Dennison said : ‘ When I first came here from London it almost frightened me , the sheer size of it , the way it dominates the headland .
5 Here they stood for a moment , looking round .
6 The tradition they stood for , though , had not .
7 All I knew was that my life was intolerable and that the only way not to be destroyed by it , or by ‘ them ’ as I called the adult , authoritative world , was to reject them and everything they stood for .
8 There they stood for a long time by a low stone wall , staring hopelessly out at the yellow fields of stubble , where the wheatsheaves were stooked and ready for gathering into the barn .
9 However , " culture " and art " were inherently undemocratic since they stood for processes of feeling , understanding , and evaluation that were considered to have become lost to majority cultures and literacies .
10 They stood for a long time in silence , and the others left them alone .
11 Trying to explain her husband 's loathing of the Allies and all they stood for , Giovanna had told her that there had in fact been no German or even Italian troops in the monastery and that its destruction had been unnecessary .
12 Jacobite sentiment had become more widespread by the end of Anne 's reign , and also more distinctively Tory in nature , but it was an attachment to Country ideology , and a deep hostility to the Whigs and Dissenters ( and what they stood for ) , which was its main defining characteristic .
13 In fact they stood for National War Museum .
14 He took off his glasses and put his arms around her waist , and they stood for a while facing one another .
15 When they left the restaurant they stood for some moments surveying the view of Prague , its many spires , red-roofed buildings , with a green dome here , the Vltava river with some of its bridges there , the Charles Bridge in particular Then , ‘ Shall we walk the rest of the way down ? ’
16 They stood for two minutes in silence , signalled by the firing of a gun from the Royal Navy base , HMS Tamar .
17 They remembered this two hours later as they stood on the meadow in front of the big house at Fortingall , waiting for a crowd to gather .
18 No doubt Temple remembered that once they stood on the same platform at Cambridge .
19 ‘ One bus , ’ she said , as they stood on Lenin Allee .
20 Then the more experienced hunter struck a match and , lighting another fire , they stood on the leeward side of the new fire .
21 There the rise and swell of incomprehensible Latin seemed to have a grandeur that aroused the spirit of poetry in the Gaels , as if they stood on a rocky shore communing with the waves .
22 It resisted for a moment , then swung completely open , and they stood on the threshold , goggling in .
23 They stood on the concrete steps reviewing the dismal scene as if it were a personal insult .
24 He was simmering down , or more exactly , getting a little tired as they stood on the sidewalk waiting for a street-car .
25 They stood on no ceremony .
26 Five minutes later they stood on the grassy bank looking down at the brown water .
27 They stood on the steps and waved , as Chignell wheeled him away , and Breeze called out , ‘ Happy New Year ! ’
28 They stood on the warm asphalt .
29 As they stood on either side of the door looking at one another she felt as if a magic elixir was being created , ready to cure a disease .
30 Gorbachev and Co were jeered and booed as they stood on Lenin 's mausoleum .
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