Example sentences of "they already have " in BNC.

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1 The press did not reverse general perceptions of party leaders : it sharpened and reinforced images they already had .
2 Dot did n't tell her that at school they already had hot and cold water and she could wash her hands and face at any time .
3 They already had far too much ammunition in their hands .
4 When the line-up was finalised with Charman in the spring of 1985 , they already had a set of six songs which they rehearsed repeatedly .
5 One can well understand , of course , her lack of desire for another child when they already had eight to feed and clothe , and naturally she can have had no idea of the effect on Eileen of her casually spoken words .
6 They already had a lock on the number Zack had used first , but when he changed booths , even though the kiosks were side-by-side in Dunstable , they lost him .
7 The census of 1785 confirms that the Titfords were still on Pig Street , not having been driven out by the noise of falling stone or splintering wood ; not that noise would have been anything unusual for them — they already had Thomas Addams ' blacksmith 's shop down the street , and the ringing sound of metal on metal emanating from there must have mingled nicely with the constant clip-clop of horses ' hooves as Henry Webley went about his business as the Bristol carrier a few doors away .
8 For the Australian army was among the first , if not the first , Allied service taking up the commando idea , even though they already had nearly four divisions overseas .
9 Tolkien , of course , being a Christian , did in absolute fact believe that in the end all things would end happily , that in a sense they already had — a belief he shared with Dante , and a matter of faith beyond argument .
10 And despite the wonderful climate , and being able to play Riviera whenever I wanted , I longed to see green fields and my folks and my friends , and hear the cricket scores on the radio , and escape from the constant pursuit of more money and better deals for the clients , who mostly did n't care anyway because they already had more money than they knew what to do with . ’
11 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
12 With their mother gone they already had more than their fair share of shopping and cooking .
13 Understandably , it has appealed to teachers reacting against older traditional methods , particularly if these divorced learning to read from any kind of true reading experience , or if they involved the use of books containing as many older schemes did — unnatural and stilted language which prevented children from using the linguistic knowledge they already had .
14 As the PAL:YPE recalls , this impression was based on a combination of physical environment , staff vision , and an existing commitment to an infrastructure including a permanent part-time library assistant : School A I was impressed with , because they too had already started to talk about resource-based learning and they already had as far as I remember … ( now my memory is fairly vague now because it is quite a long time ago ) … but as far as I remember they had a Headmaster , who was extremely interested , very keen indeed , and they had a committee already set up , I think to look into this .
15 When the ideas of the French Revolution concerning the rights of nations to self-government reached the Slovenes , they already had many of the attributes of a modern nation , but it was to take them over a century to achieve a form of self-determination within the wider Yugoslav state .
16 They wanted the horses most , we saw but three they already had with them , the rest forced to go afoot , and the wagon was welcome , too , they had one , I think , already wounded .
17 They already had half their ladies doing maternity exercises when the coup struck immediately before the start of the regatta .
18 When they started their " mission " amongst the poor and destitute of the great cities of Britain they already had six children .
19 Robert and Ella Burrows were not only married , they already had three small children when they felt the compulsion to enter the ministry .
20 Labour claimed they already had ‘ very good evidence ’ that this was about to happen .
21 Among those who did receive grants , moreover , most received them in areas where they already had influence .
22 WHEN Morgan Guaranty Trust moved into new offices in whitefriars earlier this year , it was natural that CCG should move with them to their new staff restaurant , as they already had four years experience of our catering .
23 What kind of workers do they already have ?
24 If choreographers have had training in classical dance , they already have a large vocabulary of movement on which to call .
25 Struggling to keep the door open to its largest source of foreign capital , China — particularly the southern coastal provinces of Guangdong and Fujian — has been bending over backwards to encourage new investment and calm investors they already have .
26 They were able to respond swiftly because they already have a secret ballot strike mandate over an ongoing pay dispute .
27 Computer graphics should now make the same kind of inroads into feature film production that they already have in television .
28 They kill , they take away another 's life , to get for themselves more than they already have — more land , more money , more prestige .
29 Adolescents seem to find it harder , though , to relate to a step-father when they already have a good relationship with a non-custodial father .
30 They already have them in the States .
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