Example sentences of "they would like " in BNC.

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1 I know they 'd like to meet you . ’
2 ‘ I do n't think they 'd like that at home .
3 Oh and yes … a chap from Conservative Central Office rang up to say they 'd like to know if you would be prepared to stand for the European Parliament .
4 They have Mohican haircuts and look like they 'd like to rip us limb from limb as we wave cheerfully to them .
5 The local constituency officers got new people and could plan how and when to use them — and later many of them decided they 'd like to go on working with their new friends .
6 As the girls were sitting down Tom asked them what they 'd like to drink .
7 If anybody else has a ‘ working as a mum ’ experience they 'd like to share please feel free to write to us .
8 Of course , they 'd like all athletes to be like Tim , but that just is n't reasonable .
9 I have also found it helpful , during the contract discussion period , if family members write down five specific things they 'd like to see changed .
10 Or for instance , we decorated two of our lounges and the residents discussed what paints and paper they 'd like on the walls . ’
11 Other clients who 've not been sure about coming , actually find they quite like it and it 's not that bad and yes , they 'd like to stay !
12 It helps if couples can think in advance about what retirement will be like-to think individually about what they 'd like to happen , and even more importantly , to talk to each other about what they 'd like to happen .
13 It helps if couples can think in advance about what retirement will be like-to think individually about what they 'd like to happen , and even more importantly , to talk to each other about what they 'd like to happen .
14 They were used to being the pet of the house , and so whenever I went to my uncles , both dogs never seemed to take their eyes off me and their big mouths were always gaping wide , showing long sharp teeth , and I knew fine they 'd like to sink them into me .
15 What they 'd like to do is script it really .
16 I mean this does n't exclude you because they 'd like to keep the British angle .
17 They 'd like to hear from any rural organisation who would like to take part .
18 So I got a call one day , saying that they 'd like to audition me ; they would fly me to New York and Mike Rutherford would audition me there .
19 In fact , it sounds rather like the tone of a flat-out , old Fender Champ — not the kind of thing they 'd like to hear down at your local C&W club !
20 They closed into a scrum and after much teeth-sucking and muttering announced that they 'd like to have a new biopsy performed on the splendid , raised node on my thigh .
21 None of these friends knew much about funerals , but if it was something for Conor then , yes , they 'd like to come along .
22 ‘ I think if you asked most players in England if they 'd like to swap places with me they 'd be jumping over the top of each other to do it .
23 In fact , they 'd like some of it back .
24 They 'd like him to go , all right , but were too scared now to ask it of him .
25 The leader hesitated and looked at the bandmaster , who said that they 'd like to but after they 'd played a request for us .
26 I suppose everyone had the feeling sometime or other that they 'd like to be free , walk out , wander over the earth .
27 We 're all really close to each other , so if the lads give me a good track with some good bits that turn me on , I want to do well for them , I wan na get some lyrics out they 'd like .
28 How they 'd like it to be .
29 If the early experiments of Pere Ubu and Eno-era Roxy Music excite ; if the guitar gutsiness of such acoustic masters as John Fahey , Leo Kottke and Robbie Basho interests ; if space rock ritual music or Stockhausen 's concentrated short-wave radio twiddlings tease the imagination — then Cul De Sac have something they 'd like you to tune into .
30 It apparently includes compilers , but hardware support is slim and they 'd like better graphics .
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