Example sentences of "they [verb] friend " in BNC.

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1 They remain friends , though she is quick to be petulant over telephone messages left unanswered and favours left undone .
2 In short , they became friends , and as time passed Diana thought her a good match for her errant brother-in-law .
3 They became friends and under the nick-name ‘ Basle ’ she later received some of Mozart 's most notorious letters ( 24 ) .
4 Herbert invited the Wrights to a meal and they became friends .
5 They became friends , then lovers , and finally , in 1809 , husband and wife .
6 He met Georges Bettembourg there in 1979 , they became friends and Sustad was invited to go to Shivling in 1981 with Bettembourg and a strong team that included Doug Scott who was to become a great friend and partner , and Don Whillans , who , despite being in his 50s , by then still contributed to the expedition .
7 And so they became friends .
8 So they became friends , after a fashion .
9 They became friends … and the musical exchange began :
10 They made friends with the families who stayed and who bought milk and eggs from them , and they said more than once how good it was to see the lights on across the river again .
11 They made friends with some of the Yek sergeants .
12 They lose friends , they ca n't work and in many cases , particularly sexual , with the risk of AIDS , the addiction can be life threatening .
13 The British Government have become spineless jellyfish who seem prepared to stand back and watch these Marxist death squads murdering their way through the people of Ulster not doing anything too ‘ adventurous ’ in case they upset friends in Dublin .
14 They invited friends to stay , to alleviate their couple-loneliness .
15 They let friends have it cheap .
16 I was gon na say that , was they made , have they made friends where they are ?
17 Nothing daunted , the committee members set to ; they contacted friends and acquaintances on other islands , they studied ferry time-tables , and planned their campaign with a speed which matched that which had equipped the Law Centre .
18 They urged friends to join them and so the Society of St Peter Apostle was born a hundred years ago in France .
19 Probably they took friends as well : George-Philip Ehret and Thomas Martyn , both of whom inherited an interest in botany from their respective artistic and academic fathers .
20 ‘ They were crying because they knew friends and relatives were still in the area . ’
21 Do they mean Friend ?
22 The girls admitted they did not go to discos , but said they had friends .
23 Robert Burns was introduced to her in Edinburgh and , no doubt , they would know they had friends in common in the Tennant family .
24 Every third-rate actor , assistant film director , weekend writer , part-time producer and their friends , if they had friends , slid on to our premises .
25 On Friday evenings her father often went home early , because he and Jane and the infants liked to drive into Kent , where they had friends .
26 They had friends , other couples , the Watsons , the Turners , the Godsons .
27 It was , there 's the basement and then a large room above where they used to have meetings er , you see , and er , and er , well they did they had friends from Stowmarket go and visit them , you see .
28 If I parked that outside Stuart Street , it would really annoy Frank and Salome if they had friends round .
29 Grey skies failed to cast gloom over the pilgrims as they greeted friends made on previous pilgrimages and settled in their coach seats determined to make the most of their time together .
30 They have friends in their local community and often a wide reputation .
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