Example sentences of "they [vb past] heard " in BNC.

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1 They audience was ready for a great star because they 'd heard that he was .
2 When they 'd heard that name , they knew they must take the place .
3 Now Jesus came to town one day and everyone — including Zacchaeus — wanted to get a look at this healer who they 'd heard so much about .
4 ‘ I 'd like to think that our audience here came out because of the last gig , because that caused a real stir here and I 'd like to think they were here because they 'd heard it was special .
5 It was the first time they 'd heard him admit the Store was built by humans .
6 I hired my boat on Faarsay — that 's a little island south of Mull — and they 'd heard about Mrs Hamilton , but they did n't know my folks , so no one told me our house was let . ’
7 The number of times they 'd heard that .
8 Because they were concerned about rumours they 'd heard of staff shortages within the C E D G.
9 Perhaps they had been his footsteps they 'd heard above them earlier .
10 Oh they would just tell you some extraordinary story they 'd seen They 'd heard Seen a ghost or heard a ghost or a something .
11 Or so they 'd heard .
12 They were n't interested in her war story , they 'd heard a million war stories .
13 They 'd heard this awful racket you see and they 'd thought it was me coming and falling or something on the stairs .
14 They 'd staggered past a dozen rabbit-holes , calling down into the gloom , before they 'd heard Nooty 's voice answering them .
15 It was the most shocking sound they 'd heard .
16 It was n't that they were prudish , I could tell they 'd heard it before .
17 It had been bought by a northern brewery who could n't believe that they could get over a pound a pint for their best bitter despite what they 'd heard about Londoners .
18 They 'd heard it quite clearly .
19 They 'd heard her a little at rehearsal , but not properly , not consistently , and not without interruption and background noise .
20 William Hill yesterday quoted Travelling Light as their 7-2 market leader ( from 4-1 ) but added a ‘ with a run ’ proviso as they had heard that all was not well with the three-year-old , who is trained by Lynda Ramsden at Sandhutton near Thirsk .
21 The Commandos in the trench with me did not seem to be put out by the noise and the explosions caused by the Moaning Minnies ; no doubt they had heard it all before .
22 They had heard noises of someone rising very early and felt apprehensive .
23 In one case I know of , two friends resolved to escape because they had heard their parents ‘ scheming ’ of such marriages in the near future .
24 Curiously enough , there 's even a hint of a good age for Black artists : in the 1950s , before the Notting Hill race riots of 1958 and before the era of public subsidies , when Denis Bowen of the New Vision Centre and Victor Musgrave of Gallery One consistently showed unknown international artists , many of whom had turned up in London in the post-coronation years because they had heard of the Commonwealth .
25 A voice that they had heard over and over again as they sat in Keith 's sitting-room .
26 It said they all stood with bowed heads at the start of the meeting after they had heard of his death , ‘ and there was a silence that could be felt … . ’
27 They had heard , or heard of , prophets such as Jeremiah or Ezekiel speaking of God being behind the disaster , of him fighting on the enemy side .
28 What they had heard in the yard and what they had seen upon investigating — spilled crates they attributed to rutting cats — would not be revealed until morning .
29 They had seen something , they had heard something , they had smelt something , but all those various sensations added up to nothing solid : nothing that was known , for certain .
30 People listened to their radios with scepticism , repeated what they had heard , and argued about it .
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