Example sentences of "from various [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He explained to us , through Wong , that the participants on the course at Peking would be teachers from various Institutes and Universities in Peking , that there were 27 of them , and that they would be divided into two groups , to whom we would each ‘ lecture ’ alternately every morning .
2 Participants at the " peace summit " thus included only the ANC 's main rival , the Zulu-based Inkatha Freedom Party , and some representatives from various minority groups .
3 Many feature and food writers from various newspapers and magazines have tried over the years to obtain information and interviews and all have been denied .
4 As she got closer , she could see that each had one or two articles from various newspapers stuck to it .
5 And I learnt from various teachers that when you go to these private schools and they 've been to schools , they hold them back because they like , they do n't like the
6 Most of the work of creating this field and pavilion was done voluntarily and funded mainly by money raised from various village functions .
7 The superb choruses , picking up as they do lines from various Crabbe poems , inherit the point-of-view of his editorial stoicism .
8 The audience was given no hint that he was envisaging the terms as an antithesis , let alone that he was feeling his way towards significant categories of thought , although from various notes from the winter of 1869–70 it is clear that he was now doing just that .
9 Or stuck together from various descriptions like an identikit picture ?
10 This was also borne out by the inclusion of catalogues at the end of the book , looking very much like contributions from various nurseries and it is evident that those recommending the work did so with an eye to business .
11 Even when she was flying to me from various positions , the slightest disturbance in the landscape might distract her attention .
12 In investigations of cerebral asymmetry , therefore , electrode leads from various positions over left and right hemispheres are often linked to a common reference site at which underlying activity is unlikely to be affected by variables manipulated in the experiment .
13 Our ships may be small , Mr. Mottram , but in the old days they were liners — that is , they made regular , scheduled runs from various ports on the Continent to the United Kingdom .
14 Of course we also have to recognize that in the kind of world in which we live , it is possible to have inward peace and security and yet to suffer from various problems with our bodies .
15 The statistical sources are primarily based upon VAT data analysis , with additional data being provided from various development agency sources .
16 Nine people have been charged with conspiring to obtain mortgage advances by deception from various building societies .
17 The nine people charged with conspiring to obtain mortgage advances by deception from various building societies are : Teresa Bradshaw , 28 , of Britannia Street , Scarborough ; Paul Humfreys , 30 , of St John 's Avenue , Scarborough ; Steven Birley , 37 , of Prospect Road , Scarborough ; Trevor Barner , 37 , of Arghan Cottage , Grindale ; Stephen Wray , 41 , of Willon Drive , Bridlington ; Richard Wagstaff , 31 , of Linthwaite , Huddersfield ; John Ramsden , 34 , of Keswick Road , Normanby , Middlesbrough ; Peter Watson , 50 , of Hodgson Lane , Upper Poppleton , York ; and Neil Dunbar , 37 , of Penderry Rise , Catford , London .
18 All information about the school has , therefore , been obtained from my interviews with members of the art department , and from various documents provided by the Head of Art .
19 The majority of those personnel affected will be cargo handlers but the cuts will also include engineers , clerks and workers from various departments .
20 ‘ The wide range of events , coupled with the Council 's responsibilities for the Summit , which included policing , meant that a large number of employees were directly involved from various departments .
21 Scholars from various disciplines have been working on these problems since the mid-1940s .
22 Scientists from various disciplines have set up the " Friends of Lake Victoria " pressure group with the aim of saving Africa 's largest freshwater lake , which is under threat from overfishing and industrial pollution [ see ED 63 ] .
23 The very important British estuaries are under threat from various man made problems such as mariners , tidal barriers , land reclamation and pollution .
24 Labour 's environment spokesman , Mr Bryan Gould , said the bill was a ‘ ragbag ’ of measures resulting from various government commitments to vested interests and voluntary groups .
25 Central to this co-operative intention are four models of local committees and consortia which the Act determines to be composed of officials from various government departments , local political representatives and delegates from non-governmental organizations .
26 Since 1984 , core funding has been provided by the Monument Trust , a Sainsbury foundation , and other funds have been obtained from various government departments and quangos , for their specific areas of concern , and from industry .
27 Control of emergency operations is now held by the police , advised by Scottish Nuclear and with input from various Government departments , local authorities , health authorities , fire and ambulance services , and others .
28 President Alfredo Cristiani Burkard claimed that the FMLN had failed to provide specific data which would allow the government to determine how many of its members would benefit from various government programmes .
29 This meets a long-standing request from various members and will take the form of a variety of short talks and discussions aided by slides , photographs , segments of cine film , videos — whatever members bring along .
30 That position received the strongest support from various members of the family , and it was only by strenuous and prolonged efforts that I have been able to persuade them to let me bring you this memorandum , which contains , as I 've said , all the relevant items in the letter . ’
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