Example sentences of "from the date " in BNC.

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1 The interest will be paid after six months from the date of opening .
2 This is effective from the date it is received at our offices .
3 From day to day , this is limited to sweeping or vacuuming , with a spot application of seal should wear ever become evident ( in the domestic situation , this can often be as long as five years from the date of installation ) .
4 Any money paid by you to a HCI appointed travel agent under a booking for a holiday in this brochure is held by him as our agent from the date you receive our confirmation of your holiday booking until the agent pays that money over to us .
5 The following documents , which are available for inspection during normal business hours at the registered office of the Company on any weekday ( Saturdays and public holidays excluded ) from the date of this Notice until the date of the Annual General Meeting , will also be available for inspection at the place of the Annual General Meeting from 12.30 pm on the day of the Meeting until the conclusion of the Meeting :
6 Options will normally only be exercisable after the expiry of three years from the date of their grant by a person who remains a director or employee .
7 For longer periods , interest is paid six monthly from the date of deposit .
8 The member is also liable to be adjudged incapable of being elected or appointed to any public office for five years from the date of his conviction and also to forfeit any such office held by him at the time of his conviction .
9 All sample members were to be followed up by the research team ( unless , of course , they died or moved away ) for a period of one year from the date of their referral to the project .
10 First we look at all those in both action and control samples who were still at home either six months or l2 months from the date of their referral to the psychiatrist for the elderly .
11 At the outset he seems to have been on congenial terms with Palmerston , but their relationship went sour during Hall 's two-and-a-half years at the Office of Works : and almost from the date of Hall 's appointment , events started to go badly for Pennethorne .
12 This means the exchange rate is fixed immediately for delivery of the currency two working days from the date of the deal .
13 In order to avoid the risks associated with exchange rate movements , traders ( and investors ) can enter into a forward contract with a bank whereby the exchange rate is fixed for future delivery or receipt of a foreign currency more than two working days from the date of the deal .
14 The rate of interest will be determined by Midland Life and will be paid for the period from the date of receipt of your money by Midland Life to the date it is returned to you .
15 As a result , s.107 of the public Health Act 1936 decreed that any order , in any area , declaring the trade of fish frying to be an offensive trade , should cease to have effect three years from the date of commencement of that Act ( October 1937 ) , and the trade of fish-frying was instead subjected to control by byelaws made under s.108(1) of that Act , in order to prevent any noxious or injurious effects of the trade or business on the neighbourhood .
16 There is also a time bar : the Commissioners may only investigate a complaint if it is made within 12 months from the date the aggrieved person first had notice of the matter complained or , but a Commissioner has power to accept a complaint outside the time limit if he considers that there are special circumstances which make it proper to do so .
17 The Touring Guarantee is valid for four years from the date of purchase of a new Mercedes and is passed on with the car if it is sold during that period .
18 However , if an exemption is granted , it will generally render the agreement retroactively valid from the date of notification .
19 The Commission can grant an exemption retroactively from the date of notification .
20 A takeover bid must be accepted within a certain period of time , namely not less than four weeks but not more than ten weeks from the date of when the offer document is made public .
21 Accordingly , from the date of the notification of the offeror 's intention to launch a bid up until the publication of the result of the bid , the target company 's board of directors are prohibited from issuing new shares or convertible securities .
22 All action to carry out the merger must be suspended for a period of three weeks from the date of its complete notification .
23 Most cards now charge interest from the date of transaction .
24 It argued that , following normal legal procedure , Mr Roache should have to pay the costs incurred from the date of the settlement offer because the jury 's award failed to top it .
25 The only beneficiary who is entitled to receive sums immediately from the date of death is a life tenant of the residuary estate which is not made clear in the question the reader asks .
26 A reversionary lease has effect from a future date ( for example , after an existing lease expires ) and has effect no more than 21 years from the date of the instrument that created it .
27 The right to reimbursement is subject to the Limitation Act and thus lasts for six years from the date of payment .
28 The period from the date of issue of the capital instrument to the date at which it will expire , be redeemed , or be cancelled .
29 Its 1992 results , recently published , restrict capitalisation to three months from the date of registration , which the directors call ‘ a more prudent ’ policy .
30 One good point is that an original direction , but not a supplementary direction , can not be retrospective as it only has ‘ effect from the date of the direction ’ ( para 1A(1) and ( 4 ) ) .
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