Example sentences of "but claimed that " in BNC.

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1 Cantril had no explanation , but claimed that the depression and the gloomy news from Europe , with Hitler rampant , made people all too ready to believe the worst .
2 Chrissie admitted that these came from the store restaurant 's stocks , but claimed that she was given them by Fred — , the chef , in return for her helping out over her lunch break in the kitchen , which was short-handed .
3 On Jan. 9 Phnom Penh home service acknowledged that an assault on Battambang had occurred , but claimed that the Khmer Rouge forces were easily repelled .
4 At the end of the 11th round on Aug. 7 , Burt admitted that " no major achievements ' had been made but claimed that there had been " solid progress ' on all issues except those relating to space weapons on which the sides remained " too far apart " .
5 On March 9 mujaheddin sources in Islamabad , the Pakistan capital , acknowledged that government forces had retaken the Bagram air base , but claimed that " renewed " fighting between the rebels and government troops was taking place in the northern provinces of Balkh and Konduz .
6 Poindexter acknowledged that he had deleted computer messages , but claimed that this was part of his normal routine .
7 On Feb. 17 the RAF admitted that a 1,000-lb laser-guided bomb had missed its target during an attack on a bridge at Fallouja , but claimed that the incident had occurred on Feb. 13 .
8 He stated that Bush had not been present during the Paris negotiations , but claimed that the Reagan delegation had included Casey .
9 When pressed upon the issue , Hawke admitted the deal , but claimed that he had withdrawn from the arrangement in December 1990 after Keating had made " treacherous " remarks to the press about his leadership .
10 A document released at the conference revealed that security forces had trained 150 Inkatha members , but claimed that the operation had ended in 1989 .
11 Boris Kozhin , Commander of Ukrainian Naval Forces , also condemned the move as contrary to the Dagomys agreement [ see p. 38925 ] , but claimed that the sailors had acted in response to humiliation and oppression at Russian hands .
12 The allegations were dismissed on the same day by an Egyptian Interior Ministry official , who cited a small number of cases of abuses by policemen but claimed that they had been properly investigated .
13 The Swiss company Acher Partners admitted its involvement , but claimed that it had simply arranged the contract on behalf of Progresso of Italy , while the latter denied any involvement in illegal activities .
14 During the hearings , officials from the CIA apparently admitted having concealed evidence from Judge Shoob , but claimed that they had been pressurized into doing so by the Justice Department .
15 Outside the court , Pearlberg revealed that Crawford was the actor but claimed that he had invested only 60,000 .
16 One particular attempt at explaining the troubled experience of the 1980s retained the notion of NAIRU but claimed that NAIRU was not a constant number but depended on the past history of the unemployment rate .
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