Example sentences of "but once [art] " in BNC.

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1 Many applications are required but once a good shine has been built up it can be maintained by oiling every six months or so .
2 But once a bottle is open — use it !
3 But once a tune is correctly established , the more repetition the better ( O'Connor & Arnold 1961 ) .
4 But once a job becomes a series of chances with restrictions built in , all of what we struggled for becomes a thing of the past .
5 One should not expect to obtain a detailed contract , but once a commitment is made it is for the long term .
6 Leicester United Athletic Club are producing but once a year in the si , in the club 's theatre , here are two scenes .
7 I saw blank , blank come sailing by question ten blank , blank but once a year
8 Blank , blank , but once a year
9 Blank , blank but once a year
10 Comes but once a
11 No they do n't they cross over and they tangle up but once a branch starts off it does n't join on to another one .
12 But once the principle is established that clubs , however innocent , can be punished to protect the public or players , it is no longer a matter of pure justice .
13 A spokeswoman for the Council of Mortgage Lenders said : ‘ Some lenders are imposing bans on all concrete buildings , but once the new test is operational there will be no need for such caution . ’
14 But once the land is thus rough-hewn it is shaped by other forces .
15 But once the defector has been squeezed dry of all useful information he will end up sitting in a bare office in Dzerzhinsky Square , the KGB headquarters , with nothing to do but sift through material from his country .
16 But once the glutathione has been used up , paracetamol breaks down to form benzequinone-amine .
17 Very often one individual with only a small time commitment can carry out the initial investigation and appraisal aspects of a project , but once the scheme is under way the resource level may have to be increased in order to cater for the client 's time-scale .
18 Like all other unusual accomplishments , it only nears perfection after hours of determined practice : but once the technique is acquired , the potential for a stunning showpiece is obvious .
19 Wando has a list of more than 50 families eager to take part , but once the favela is established , many others will find the courage to join them .
20 It is possible to do away with demons and still cling to a belief in the Devil , but once the Devil is denied then ipso facto so are the demon hordes .
21 But once the money is disbursed , only anecdotal evidence offers much of a clue whether the city is getting value for money or not .
22 With × 12 the field will barely cover all three , but once the Nebula has been found there should be little difficulty in finding it with × 20 .
23 Senior administrators are not above attempting to influence the shape of policy , but once the policy has been made they accept that it is their responsibility to bring about its implementation .
24 These may take a bit of finding — although an electronic stud detector will help — but once the batten has been secured , the kitchen cupboard ( or whatever ) can be secured to it with normal woodscrews .
25 But once the sentence has been paid , the criminal is entitled to society 's help to become a good citizen .
26 This requires some practise but once the skill is acquired it is far preferable to the alternative method which is to shred the oviduct with fine watchmakers forceps and collect the embryos from among the debris .
27 While the matter is under discussion ministers can air their views but once the matter is decided all members of the Government , whether within the cabinet or not , must support it .
28 White Spot Icthyopthyirius multifiliis is less common in ponds than in aquaria , but once the parasite is encysted in the familiar pinhead ‘ Ich ’ spot the fish is headed for death unless treated .
29 This can be done in any way you please , but once the order is chosen , it stays fixed .
30 The mathematics required to convert the two voltages back into angles and hence into an actual position on the baseboard are relatively complex but once the relationship has been established the system can be made self-calibrating .
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