Example sentences of "'s book [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Dundee deaconess , who helped us with advice about children 's books an her own delightful design for a Chalet School sampler , said that she hoped our efforts together would bring ‘ help , food and life to many . ’
2 Yet fifty years after Ramsey 's book a good judge of religious thought and literature during the twentieth century declared it to be an enduring masterpiece , which pointed forward to the road which Anglicans and not only Anglicans would follow .
3 Golding wrote ‘ Lord of the Flies ’ , which I am comparing to ‘ Coral Island ’ , just after the Second World War and after the Hiroshima Bomb , this gives Golding 's book a more up to date feel and makes it an easier to believe microcosm .
4 ‘ . There follows in Mr Tate 's book an interesting list of examples .
5 So when the jacket of Elleke Bohemer 's book An Immaculate Figure ( Bloomsbury £15.99 ) claims it is ‘ a compelling and beautifully told parable about Africa , whiteness and beauty ’ the reader 's first reaction is to put it back on the shelf and move quickly on .
6 In other words , stylistic change is at a premium ; in Gombrich 's book the dramatic innovations of Caravaggio do well , but a distinguished painter , say Bonnard , who is not so bold or challenging an artist was omitted until additions were made to the text in 1971 .
7 Tom Wolfe 's book The Painted Word is a witty example of the genre ; it originally appeared in Harper 's Magazine , before being made into a book in 1975 .
8 Martin Esslin 's book The Theatre of the Absurd is a very valuable background on this subject .
9 It seems likely that , if Prince Charles had n't made it famous through his children 's book The Old Man of Lochnagar , nobody might have known that , by 1984 , only 13 trout survived in this highly acidified loch .
10 The idea of the Umwelt has re-emerged in ethology in Griffin 's book The question of animal awareness ( 1976 ) , in which he argues that recent research in animal orientation , navigation , and social communication implies cognitive processes of a high order and even mental experiences of them .
11 Consequently F. Sherwood-Taylor 's book The young chemist was soon located on the public library shelves .
12 Davies ( 1972 ) , on Newcastle , and Dennis ( 1972 ) , on Sunderland , both show how council officials acted almost independently over issues of urban redevelopment , their actions being governed by a vague notion of the type of planning needed to produce ‘ a good society ’ — hence the title of Davies 's book The Evangelistic Bureaucrat .
13 In 1969 Miliband 's book The State in Capitalist Society , and the author 's subsequent debate with Poulantzas , set the tone for a renewed academic debate about the nature of the state .
14 These concerns were addressed to local politics following the publication of Cockburn 's book The Local State ( 1977 ) .
15 In Joan Wake 's book The Brudenells of Deene one reads that ‘ not the least of John , Duke of Montagu 's many attractive qualities was a love for animals , which led him to maintain a hospital for sick dogs at his house in Ditton Park in Buckinghamshire ’ .
16 Brian Rust 's book The Complete Entertainment Discography states that it was recorded in New York on 25 February 1925 , so this American Columbia electrical recording seems to be earlier , by one day .
17 Largely as a result of Donald Griffin 's book The Question of Animal Awareness ( Rockefeller UP , 2nd ed 1981 ) , ethologists have begun to re-examine the issue of animal intellect and to ask whether the organisms they study are , as we presume ourselves to be , something more than mere mindless circuitry .
18 This border is just one of 30 new designs in Amelia Saint George 's book The Needlepoint & Cross-Stitch Book ( £16.99 , Conran Octopus ) which includes themes such as fruit , butterflies , roses , ribbons , animals and berries — all designed and embroidered by the author .
19 Some blame games are described very well in Eric Berne 's book The Games People Play ( See Further Reading , p. 149 ) .
20 Georg Schwafenberger 's book The Legality of Nuclear Weapons ( 1958 , pp. 47–9 ) reached conclusions which came to terms more with the by then widespread possession of nuclear weapons .
21 Chris Bonington 's book The Climbers to accompany the series will be published by Hodders and Stoughton on August 4 1992 price £16.95 .
22 Animals are often also hairy ( a fact adroitly exploited in Desmond Morris 's book The Naked Ape ) , so that unkempt locks suggest some connection with animalkind as opposed to humankind and thus , as Lévi-Strauss would argue , signify the contrast between nature and culture .
23 In the seventy years which have elapsed since the publication of Miss Buckland 's book the tomato has taken its revenge for three centuries of neglect .
24 The manner in which this is done , however , can be quizzical and unexpected as in Gossage 's book THE POND .
25 The Case did not appear to play an important part in the process of decision making in the House of Lords during the period under review ( 1957 to 1973 ) in Alan Paterson 's book The Law Lords , which indicates that both counsel and the Law Lords in practice diminished the effect of the written Case in the arguing of the appeal ( Paterson , 1982 ) .
26 Professor Griffith 's book The Politics of the Judiciary first published in 1977 caused a considerable stir in documenting such assertions with many examples .
27 He drew to our attention the views of the academic writers in which the point is raised and discussed ; thus in Professor Griew 's book The Theft Acts 1968 and 1978 , 6th ed. ( 1990 ) , p. 186 , para. 10.15 , the author suggests that the use of the word ‘ employment ’ may limit the operation of the subsection to :
28 Rycant 's book The Present State of the Ottoman Empire was published a year after the earthquake of 1667 , which marked a downturn in the fortunes of Ragusa .
29 Within geography , where a vigorous regionalist theme was in evidence , the work of C.B. Fawcett was influential in relating town planning to local government hierarchies ( Provinces of England , 1919 ) ; significantly C.B. Purdom 's book The building of satellite towns ( 1925 ) was subtitled ‘ a contribution to the study of town development and regional planning ’ .
30 Milner never published a treatise on landscaping , but Henry Ernest 's book The Art and Practice of Landscape Gardening ( 1890 ) was based to a great extent on his practice .
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