Example sentences of "which [modal v] make " in BNC.

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1 In many cases they are actually simpler since a complete instruction is executed in a single machine cycle unlike a microprocessor which may make several memory access when executing a single instruction .
2 Regulatory threat , which may make the domestic market less attractive .
3 Do not take a large supper which may make sleep difficult immediately afterwards .
4 You must also take into account any local exchange control regulations , the effect of which may make it sensible for the contract to stipulate that part of your salary shall be credited to you elsewhere .
5 Apart from specific anatomical and physiological disabilities which may make it less easy for the individual to maintain safety , there are many external agents in the environment which can cause injury and disease .
6 Find out if there is any special reason for these three products being on sale which may make it worthwhile for the shop to stock them , even though they sell slowly .
7 Food intolerance may be the cause of many minor ailments , which may make you feel under par .
8 As a contributor to a recent survey on ‘ comparability in social research ’ , published under the auspices of the British Social Science Research Council , sagely observes : ‘ a great deal can go wrong at the recording stage which may make subsequent analysis difficult or even impossible ’ .
9 They may have a transient lifestyle , be homeless or live in insecure housing which may make it difficult to establish their ‘ ordinary residence ’ .
10 Try to remain aware of the factors which may make a newly admitted patient anxious .
11 And I 've got something to tell you which may make you feel the same way about me . "
12 There are two factors particularly which may make the aim of clarity of description difficult to achieve : the breadth of a criterion and ambiguity in its description .
13 Apart from questions of naturalness , accuracy , and the ‘ logic ’ of a text , there are sometimes stylistic considerations which may make the translation of conjunctions particularly difficult .
14 These checks are very important because they can show , for instance , if there are likely to be any difficulties with the birth which may make a Caesarean section necessary .
15 This loneliness then tends to be misdiagnosed as depression and medications may be prescribed which may make the disease even worse .
16 ‘ Denial ’ and ‘ distancing ’ may be features of the victim 's attitude in the early stages , which may make it difficult to maintain a sympathetic response .
17 You 'll just make the formula over-rich , which may make the baby dehydrated and , if you continue , overweight .
18 Which may make her happy but means that I am losing my marbles , and Darius thinks I 've betrayed him , and Victor would swallow his cigar .
19 The entrepreneurial element in the economic behavior of market participants consists [ … ] in their alertness to previously unnoticed changes in circumstances which may make it possible to get far more in exchange for whatever they have to offer than was hitherto possible .
20 Moreover , these correlations only achieved overall significance when the junctions were grouped in a way which may make sense , but was clearly post hoc .
21 Businesses , such as property investment companies , which may make wholly exempt supplies , can not reclaim any input VAT .
22 Ants , which may make up to half of the animal biomass in some habitats , are not always involved in such an apparently one-sided relationship with plants , as we have seen in the case of the myrmecophytic epiphytes .
23 The supervisor must then refer the matter to the court which may make an order cancelling or varying the treatment requirement .
24 But to say ‘ well we may run into erm problems which we ca n't at the moment foresee , or problems which may make life temporarily a little difficult ’ I do n't think should prevent us from tackling the problem .
25 ‘ We 'll go and watch what I 've just explained on machine , which should make it easier for you to understand .
26 Our intelligence which should make us happy , has by perversity made us unhappy .
27 Committees for four subject groups will sift the applications and suggest short lists to the Royal Society 's Council , which should make the final decisions in May or June .
28 The best type of treatment for both psychosomatic complaints and hypochondria is some form of psychotherapy or hypnotherapy ( see p l53 ) which should make it possible for the sufferer to identify the underlying emotions that are responsible for the symptoms .
29 In short , it means that it becomes possible to impose almost any character you want on it , which should make the Standard a session player 's dream .
30 It 's really the calorie content which should make you careful — and the knowledge that a steady stream of alcohol acts much like caffeine in coffee , slowing down the action of the liver and thus , our metabolic rate .
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