Example sentences of "or perhaps [det] " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps all those U-turns left him feeling dizzy .
2 Evan Campbell , or John Hay , or Laughland Vass , or perhaps all three Highlander guides , knew that milk could be had from the Macraes of Auchnasheal ; the travellers sat down outside a house and were brought wooden dishes — Johnson calls them ‘ pails ’ — of milk .
3 Or perhaps all Australians were like that , took an uncommon interest in everyone 's affairs .
4 Picture book Aspen ( or perhaps that should be autograph book ? ) .
5 There was quite a crowd at the bank of the loch and I wondered why they were all there , whether they were genuinely concerned about you or perhaps that death had some awful attraction for them .
6 They explored the drawing-room next — or perhaps that is too formal a name for the large and very cheerful room on the other side of the hall .
7 Or perhaps that 's why he goes after the women .
8 Or perhaps that 's the point : the phrase is the same because the experience is the same .
9 Or perhaps that was earlier , surely , much earlier than piano bars , please .
10 Perhaps Mr Robinson had learnt something from them , or perhaps that woman ( I can not call her a wife ) had told him everything .
11 It also seems to provide a rather better description of how to create and modify patterns that the original Illustrator 88 manual — or perhaps that 's just because the subject is being tackled in context rather than as an academic exercise .
12 Or perhaps that was only his imagination .
13 ‘ Do n't you think your grey … ’ my mother would say to her , ‘ or perhaps that nice beige facecloth coat-dress … ’
14 Water from the Arghuri brook , thought Miss Logan ; or perhaps that sourish milk which they had already received many times on their travels from obliging shepherds .
15 Or perhaps that 's what does alarm you . ’
16 You 'll probably find her in the tent over there — or perhaps that one . ’
17 Undoubtedly , some of you will be , but there must be one or two people who are actually dreading Christmas er bearing in mind that they 've had to ask somebody whom they do n't really want in their house , or perhaps that person or people have asked themselves , and it 's very difficult to know how to refuse is n't it really ?
18 Or perhaps that was why he would make a good one .
19 Those who have worked harder at their relationship , allowing it to change and develop ( or perhaps those who are luckier — whichever way one chooses to look at it ) may be content together but external relationships will still change .
20 And if you despair of ever getting the baby 's pushchair anywhere near clean , or perhaps those muddy football and rugby boots , just spend five minutes or so on them with the Steamatic .
21 Perhaps one of the most important groups for the stimulation of change is that which falls between these two poles : those teachers who I would see as belonging to the 25 to 35 year-old age group , or perhaps those who have not been teaching for more than six , or less than three , years .
22 We will help those that we have to help legally , or perhaps those whom people want to help , but we will not have foisted upon us those who come here for a good time and a good life .
23 But the longer she looked at herself the more she knew that she was going to buy this hat , or perhaps these two hats , and this beautiful , beautiful outfit .
24 More fundamentally , no one knows why sunspots should occur at all — or perhaps these days we should call them ‘ starspots ’ , since similar areas of ( comparatively ) low energy emission have now been detected on the faces of other stars .
25 This must have been a joke , as he laughed , or perhaps any mention of marriage was a joke to Gordon , who walked past Nenna and settled himself between them in a small chair , actually a nursing chair , surviving from some earlier larger family home and much too low for him , so that he had to try crossing his legs in several positions .
26 One of the great footballers of er , his age , or perhaps any other age , and it 's sad is n't it , that in the same year , we 've lost two , Bobby Moore and then Danny .
27 So there is a recognition there that by the very nature of these erm proposals that they 're not going to be in accordance with one or perhaps more policies in the structure plan .
28 Sometimes it is valuable to emphasise the impetus itself , particularly if a bravura pirouette is needed to display a dancer 's particular expertise or perhaps some exhibitionist trait in the character portrayed .
29 Or perhaps some architects some of the time .
30 Or perhaps some distraught parent will kill you ! ’
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