Example sentences of "that [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 Gloria said that when a person does not receive the right emotional nourishment at a stage in their life , then they can stay in that emotional period .
2 ‘ During that interim period Doctor Who just took off with the Daleks in a way that none of us could have imagined , and after that there was no more discussion about it coming off the air .
3 In that interim period of that work the draft P P G three came out , and made it quite clear that the new settlement would have to lie without beyond the outer edge of the greenbelt , and that was a fur a further consideration .
4 I think we owe it to people like or at least to give them another crack at the whip to see if they 've come on in that interim period cos it 's a good six months since we interviewed
5 Assuming a fair wind on major infrastructure , access , and drainage , it is unlikely that a new settlement would be producing a significant group of housings until somewhere around , at the very best , end ninety six into the of ninety seven period , in that context , what is happening in that short intervening period , assuming certain planning guidance comes forward to help that intervening period , and will that new settlement actually be built out prior to two prior to two thousand and six , will the fourteen hundred dwellings be built in that period , question mark , probably not , it will lap over , therefore in that context of a gap at the beginning , and a potential overlap at the end , it is very important again to revisit the peripheral land issue .
6 Come to think of it , that one-year period — from late-'75 to late-'76 — was pretty good for UK music-lovers , since aside from Linda , Emmylou came over twice with James Burton in her ‘ Hot Band ’ .
7 Indeed she was asked to stay away from work for that remaining period .
8 A sequence when Custer attacks an Indian village could not help but stir vivid memories of the My Lai massacre and the photos of Vietnamese on fire that were seen in all the newspapers and on television during that dark period in America 's history .
9 You have to , because , how can you be busy for that entire period of time ?
10 It may or may not have been his home for any length of time , but it is certainly the only survivor of that contemporary period of timbered houses with thatched roofs which frequently caught fire and were eventually forbidden .
11 To become a member during that brief period demanded a lower level of commitment than in the more repressive years which preceded and followed it , and intelligenty members were now heavily outnumbered .
12 payments would only start after that deferred period .
13 Indeed , though the death of a single organism may not seem to be very significant scientifically , it has been well argued by George Dangerfield that this one event did , in effect , mark the end or at least the beginning of the end , of that remarkable period of human history dominated by " Liberal England " .
14 Given that previous periods of rapid growth had been brought to a halt in the face of escalating deficits on the balance of payments , largely because of the high marginal propensity to import manufactured goods , the improvement of the balance of payments figured prominently in the plan .
15 He was quaintly dressed ( according to the costume of that unconstrained period ) in a brown fustian jacket and striped pantaloons .
16 However , problems can arise in that long periods of notice may have to be given in order to arrange entry into such schools .
17 This was typical of the suety coverage of the War Before the War , that long period of waiting before the January 15 deadline .
18 These were er built in between the th that long period that I was on the council .
19 If the long and complex passage of Athenaeus 6 ( 273a–275b ) , which Felix Jacoby gives as fragment 59 , can be considered a trustworthy summary of Posidonius ' views about Roman civilization , two features emerge : ( a ) the Romans preserved for a long time their extreme simplicity of life ; ( b ) in that long period they learnt many techniques from various foreigners ( Greeks , Etruscans , Samnites and Iberians ) and their constitutional principles from the Spartans .
20 And only two amazing misses , one of those candidly coming er just before scored the second Notts goal , with a headed chance headed wide when er had come and missed it , and when on forty four minutes on the watch but not a minute before the end of half time if you get the meaning because we had that long period of extra time , er missed the chance completely , he 'd made the er Pisa goal brilliantly with a cross from the right hand side , deep cross , pulled back brilliantly , but left with a chance , the number eleven in front of the post , well what was he doing ? again had come and again he 'd missed it and left with an open goal was wide of the target .
21 The end of the nineteenth century was the climax of the Age of Science ; what remains for us is to glimpse briefly the aftermath of that confident period in which it seemed that all the interesting questions must have answers , and that it was the business of natural philosophy to find them out .
22 She begins with a tantalisingly brief resume of the resurgence of Murano glassmaking in the mid-nineteenth century , that fascinating period , full of pioneers in the re-discovery and re-invention of ancient techniques from both Roman and Renaissance glass .
23 That frenzied period has passed and , if anything , the pendulum has swung in the other direction .
24 One of the reasons I forgot about Ohio was that I wanted to forget that unhappy period of my life .
25 I mean , I 'm really looking forward to I mean most of your bloody time within a year I 'm getting out you can start doing what you want then , but when you do n't have that regular period you do n't know how you 're gon na react to your own , you 've got
26 It is a ledger , the size and solidity of an old-fashioned accounts book , with broken corners and an air of belonging to that grey period which is too far gone to be new but not yet far enough off to be old .
27 Moreover , when turning to that short period , the spotlight can not be focused exclusively on the drama of the last two years .
28 George Bush appointed Justice Souter , to political conservatives ' dismay , in the summer of 1990 , in that short period when it looked as if he might be a great president .
29 In that short period , a profit of £5m , tax-free , has gone to secret investors , and Telecom has been landed with a lemon .
30 I learned a great deal during that formative period about what made people tick and one saw what life was really like .
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