Example sentences of "had set [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Few ordinary citizens could afford to pay the 300 roubles which Kirov had set as a starting price for the most basic of suits .
2 Then he had set to work himself , though rather clumsily , he was still weak from his illness .
3 Two pieces of steel had been fixed in vices and the two men had set to work on them simultaneously .
4 Only after he had set to work , at Halley 's urging , on the tract that eventually became the first book of the Principia did Newton abandon vortices and envisage attractive — and repulsive — forces in central bodies .
5 Haled in to help salvage the church 's treasures , he had set to and done whatever was asked of him without curiosity , but there was nothing amiss with his sharp and assured memory , once he understood what was being asked of him .
6 She had set to with a will , but had been dismayed to discover that her appetite did not match it .
7 The sun , he thought , had set on them now for sure .
8 But the NEC said that all the associations had performed poorly in relation to the criteria it had set for them .
9 Cotton 's greatest interest for the rest of his life was to help young professionals follow and benefit from the high standards he had set for himself .
10 This meeting had taken place about two weeks ago ; two weeks of frustration and boredom rubbing away at the monkey 's sanity , its only hope to keep concentrating ; to put all its energy into finishing the task the computer had set for it ; another four , maybe five hours of programming .
11 Remember : the Government had set for the growth of earnings a guideline of five per cent ; and looked towards a long-term approach in which collective bargaining would be based each year on a broad agreement between Government , union and employers about the maximum level of earnings which would be compatible with keeping inflation under control in the following twelve months .
12 As I walked around that charming town , I undertook the task of solving the puzzle she had set for me .
13 He did not see the trap she had set for him .
14 From 1771 onwards a series of codes for different provinces , beginning with Silesia , had set for the first time clear official limits to what the lords could demand of their peasants , especially in terms of labour-services .
15 He reassured everyone that it would make no difference to the course he had set for himself .
16 this was the day that members of our group had set for a sponsored walk , the length of the old Bishop 's Castle Railway .
17 Wolfgang Kohler argued that the problems Thorndyke had set for his cats determined the type of learning they demonstrated .
18 And furthermnore , as O'Keeffe continued the direction she had set for her art in 1923 , various critics accentuated their assessments of her work with words such as ‘ courageous ’ , ‘ imaginative ’ , ‘ introspective ’ , and ‘ original ’ — all having traditionally ‘ masculine ’ connotations .
19 and what your dad had set for , for all this and
20 Is it not simply because of this : that the government , because of their appalling mismanagement of our economy , have been forced to concede that they simply could not achieve that inflation target which they had set for themselves .
21 The older woman 's face had set into a white mask .
22 Her eye backtracked the almost circular route Lori had set through the Caribbean , the southern USA and Mexico .
23 For some reason it was restful to watch him lay the crochet-bordered cloth cornerwise on the polished table just so ; arrange the tea-tray , and bring in delicate , perfectly symmetrical sandwiches , and the Victoria sponge which , under his wife 's direction , he had made so beautifully and had set upon a spotless lace doily precisely in the centre of the dish .
24 They had set upon the turnkey , knocking him unconscious , and then gathering his keys , made for the gate .
25 It was nearly as tall an order as Eva 's father had set before her at the beginning of her life .
26 Morgan and Smith 1989 ) , where I had had the discussion with Simon Holdaway mentioned above , the symbolic nature of police culture consistently surfaced to confound the economic assessment of good practice which the Home Secretary had set in his opening address to the participants .
27 Viva Hate ! feels implausibly fresh : the music 's breathing again , free of a certain stuffiness and laboriousness that had set in seemingly irreversibly in The Smiths ' twilight period .
28 As more and more stone-filled gabions were built in to reduce the erosion which the scheme had set in train , it became apparent that Pandora 's box had been opened , and that what might have worked as a piece of traditional river canalization in the cohesive sediments found downstream had proved a recipe for disaster when applied in the unstable gravels of this upland brook .
29 Among the actual owners of the horses , disbelief had set in the quickest .
30 In the end it was overtaken by the advent of the ‘ New Draperies ’ , but the downward trend had set in well before the establishment of these in East Anglia ; indeed , in the event they came to replace the contracting broadcloth manufacture which , even as early as 1523 , had shown signs of instability : it was symptomatic of recession that no less than 35 per cent of Spring 's liquid assets had to be written off as irrecoverable , and the winding up of his affairs can not but have dealt its prosperity a mortal blow .
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