Example sentences of "had done little " in BNC.

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1 For the past six years , however , she had done little more than declare things open , or say a few words of thanks in public .
2 Those in dairying had done little training , with time the main restriction .
3 Several sessions were to be led by hospital nursing and other professional staff who had done little or no formal teaching before but who showed an interest in the project .
4 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
5 SARFU had done little to try and rectify the damage created at Ellis Park so French and Fordham took the initiative prior to the special ANC meeting .
6 The meal had done little to staunch the hunger pains in his stomach .
7 One of the major objectives of the account was to reapportion credit within the movement since much of it had been misappropriated by those who had done little or only appeared after emancipation in 1834 .
8 His earlier complete reversal of his position had done little for his credibility and now as he went after a tax cut his touch was decidedly uncertain .
9 By 1908 it was clear that the 1905 Unemployed Workmen Act had done little to ameliorate the problem .
10 Unfortunately , although Parliament had done little to exercise its authority over them during the Tudor period , customs duties were not fully under the Crown 's control .
11 He had done little except reiterate his protests against Philip 's invasion of his dominions .
12 But , whatever the truth of the matter , this pre-natal adventure had done little to increase Preston 's regard for stations as an institution .
13 The contraction of the British manufacturing base over the last decade had done little to reduce overall concentration .
14 Until recently he believed that ‘ the magnificent State of Britain' had done little for the Science upon which her wealth , power and very existence depended ; except to provide security and freedom in a country its citizens could be proud of , and this had indeed been enough .
15 German scholarship had done little to add to , and nothing to disrupt , the traditional European pattern of " philology " , as the study of classical antiquity was widely called ( and for a long time continued to be called ) .
16 Previous studies had done little to look at differences between children of different abilities .
17 Critics claimed that economic success had done little to alleviate fundamental problems of poverty and the grossly unequal distribution of income .
18 They claimed that to date diplomatic , political and humanitarian efforts by the international community had failed to stop the aggression against them and had done little to alleviate the suffering of the civilian population .
19 Tuesday 's budget had done little to further the environmental cause .
20 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
21 On an eerily quiet night at Celtic Park — wind and driving rain had done little to add lustre to a low-key occasion — it was Hibs who made the brighter start .
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