Example sentences of "had found [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Time passed and the afternoon light began to fade and Creggan was just beginning to think that he might go back to the carrion he had found before the incoming tide took it , when he saw movement from shadows far below , and the opening of great wings .
2 Research had found that even very young children do not ‘ go along ’ with erroneous suggestions concerning the essence of their experiences .
3 Pupils had found that the amount of work involved was more than half an Alevel and felt the exams had not proved credible with employers and higher education institutions .
4 He had found that even in Britain , where officials tended to be dismissive of the idea of a plan , people from private industry were receptive when he explained the Netherlands ' plan at a meeting : ‘ They said , ‘ Yes , we should like such a plan because it reduces our uncertainty .
5 Jane had found that when she rescued a stray , Fluff : he displayed far more confidence in her than in anyone else .
6 Perhaps Caroline did n't actually have a business manager , but had found that the mention of one proved effective .
7 Jasmine was like many horses : sold as a three-year-old because her owner had found that he could not successfully train her .
8 Doyle and Nixon had found that the toxicological activity of the mussel extracts in the rat bioassay was greater than could be accounted for by okadaic acid alone .
9 Long before the time of Aristoxenus , some of the most acute Greek thinkers had found that the concept of time was difficult to reconcile with their idea of rationality .
10 It pointed out that the Committee had found that Gothic and Classic were equally suitable as the style to be adopted , but Coe and Hofland and Banks and Barry had mistakenly chosen .
11 Hunt reported on 14th December , 1858 that he had found that the site was just adequate , but he could not make a precise calculation until the accommodation requirements had been considered further by the India Office and the space required by the Foreign Office had been settled .
12 He said he had spent four days taking rock samples in the area of the dam and had found that there were interconnected limestone layers above and below the dam site through which the water might leak away .
13 When , in 1979 , he had found that the technology was available for his ideas , Campbell took out patents .
14 Up until then I had found that when difficulties came or doubts arose in my Christian life , I could always escape their force by not holding myself answerable for my own faith .
15 Unlike the first one , which had found that many of the coalfields had not been mapped , this one reported that the existing maps were seriously out of date .
16 The man remarked to his wife that they had to make their way towards a particular church and that , once they had found that particular building , they would be almost on their friends ' doorstep .
17 Over four weeks Michael Odell had found that the authority of acting President was sitting more and more easily on him .
18 had found that plough carriers mounted on one of the bogies tended to throw the ploughs about , particularly if the pony wheels were worn or had flats .
19 It was immaterial that the General Commissioners had found that H Ltd 's platform was a temporary structure and that the lighting could have been removed if the platform was dismantled .
20 In the lower court , the Lord Ordinary had found that s 6 of the Act did not prevent the Crown from seeking a decree de plana for recovery , in October 1989 , of the tax outstanding for the years 1979/80 to 1981/82 .
21 She had even taken a small part at a provincial theatre until pregnancy again intervened , and had found that she was not forgotten , that Dinah Asshe could become Dinah Arkwright and be the same woman .
22 Previous tests by the council had found that mineral seepage from the mine had killed all fish life in the Kilmastulla river and damaged wildlife in the immediate area .
23 By 1914 , the Germans had found that they could conduct most of their correspondence with village headmen in Swahili , and the British also found this a great advantage .
24 Governments which recognised the freedom of former slaves , they argued , had found that they did not abuse it .
25 As an example of the pitfalls involved in drafting questions , we can consider the fuss that there was in 1983 when Hill announced that he had found that as many as 40 per cent of six-year-old children had seen ‘ video-nasties ’ ( i.e. video films of horror , violence , and sadistic sex ) .
26 Anna supposed that she should then have had another baby , to keep Flora company , but had found that she felt as unlike having another baby as she had once felt like it .
27 As they told MPs , they had found that 34 per cent of mothers interviewed in their survey had failed to receive any increase in their housekeeping allowance in the previous year , while prices had risen 7 per cent over the same period ( HOC , 1973 , Vol .
28 When Huston expressed doubts over the extent to which a Russian promise would be respected , ‘ he remarked that the Soviets might indeed be difficult to deal with , but in his experience he had found that the Soviet Government always endeavoured to keep its plighted word ’ .
29 ‘ And after 10 years of research , they had found that women with this problem could be given donor white blood cells , which would lower their immunity and allow their bodies to accept the baby . ’
30 Until he reached five degrees he had found that it turned easily , through long use … but now it became stiff and awkward .
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