Example sentences of "had been behind " in BNC.

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1 The embarrassment increased as hoards of people who had been behind us passed me with odd , pitying looks , clearly curious as to what the hell I was doing squatting down by a rock on my own some considerable distance from the summit .
2 ZETA had been behind closed doors in Hangar 7 , a huge aircraft hangar , 100 m long , which is now converted into a lab .
3 He would track down the boardroom where the orders were issued , and he would declare all-out war on whichever Japcorp or state authority had been behind the singe .
4 It had been the Jews , together with Prussian militarism , that had been behind the Russian Revolution .
5 I noted from Gergiev 's conducting CV that he had n't escaped the grip of the Union of Composers : the works or its secretary- general , the ogre-figure of Tikhon Khrennikov who had been behind the 1948 denunciations of Prokofiev and Shostakovich , are a fairly regular feature .
6 The suggestion at the time that the Labour Party had been behind Profumo 's downfall was a little unfair to many members who repeatedly expressed their misgivings about the scandalous imputations , which several of them could not regard as a proper currency for a political difference .
7 It seemed he had been behind the same car for hours now — a Jaguar whose iridescent blue reminded Dexter of oil shimmering on the surface of a puddle .
8 Because the whole neighbourhood-thanks to Gittel 's big-mouthed elder sister-knew exactly who had been behind the curse , although even the sister was too much of a prude to tell anyone the reason why . ’
9 It had been behind the purchase of some of the BCR 's rolling stock in 1867 , when the available property of the line was sold in order to try and satisfy the claims of its creditors .
10 The authorities discounted the possibility that the former East German state security police ( " Stasi " ) had been behind the attack , despite confirmation on March 26 by the federal prosecutor that the Stasi had sheltered and trained RAF members since 1978 .
11 Rejecting recent allegations in the Bulgarian and Italian press concerning the supposed involvement of Konstantin Karadzhov , a former mayor of a Sofia municipality , Danov stated that he was inclined to believe the scenario put forward in some sections of the Western press that forces inside the Vatican had been behind the assassination attempt .
12 In the run-up to the elections Fujimori sought to present himself to the public as the defender of democracy , claiming that opposition politicians had been behind a coup attempt on Nov. 13 aimed at preventing the CCD elections from taking place and restoring the 1979 Constitution .
13 Many possible direct effects were ruled out by the test program and Mayo eventually concluded that a complex emotional chain had been behind the productivity changes .
14 This same levelling principle had been behind the creation of the Zaragoza Military Academy and was now applied to politics .
15 She had not realized how close the birds and the snow and the deadwoods had been behind her .
16 One of this periodical 's editors , the radical journalist Nikolai Chernyshevskii , had been behind the publication of Kavelin 's work in The Contemporary and was finding many subtle and not so subtle ways to advance reform in the St Petersburg press .
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