Example sentences of "had a row " in BNC.

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1 We had a row with Lucas there because they had fitted fuel injection to Jimmy Clark 's Lotus , despite promising us exclusive use for the season if we persevered with it .
2 They had a row in my presence and when it was over my father gave my mother five hundred pounds . ’
3 After the war , the brothers had a row and split ( good soap opera plot , this ) and Adi formed Adidas and their kid formed Puma .
4 Carter had told the police at the time they had a row over money and his wife had walked out , never to return .
5 On the day of the overdose Charles and Ann had a row before he went to work , and later Charles came home to find his wife had left him .
6 A dramatic change took place when she met and had a row with her husband .
7 There she had a row with her mother after which she went to her bedroom , wrote a note saying how much she loved her boyfriend , and took an overdose of approximately 30 aspirin tablets and cut both her wrists superficially with a razor .
8 To top it all Mangon and Ethel had a row which unfortunately affected the employment of a large number of dancers .
9 The newcomer was ostentatiously dressed in robes slashed with yellow taffeta and bound by a gold cord very similar to one used by Benstede , although the latter had a row of knots in his to prevent it slipping down over the loops on his gown .
10 Supposing he was involved with Wetherby , and they had a row . ’
11 Dalgliesh said : ‘ If it had a row of turrets it would be a rather different shape .
12 The split apparently came after the fiery-tempered pair had a row about Tatum wanting to go back to acting — leaving McEnroe to look after the children while she makes movies .
13 ‘ I phoned him from the training ground yesterday and had a row with him because it was embarrassing for Barnet .
14 I had a row with her once .
15 I had a row with her several times , but this once I said , why did n't she get out there and shift some bloody irrigation mats with me , and she just slapped her belly and said she 'd got too fat to bend .
16 they had a row at erm petrol station when that happened to her .
17 Eddie had just got back from work when they had a row in the kitchen .
18 For the first time , we had a row that went on for days .
19 No farm worker welcomes the prospect of having to uproot his family should he , because he is ill , injured at work , made redundant , has achieved retirement or had a row with his boss , cease to be employed on the farm .
20 ‘ Mitford said he had a row with him .
21 She had a row with a young man named Nick Owens when they were all at the caelidhe one evening and he told her that he wanted her to be his girl and not go out with anyone else .
22 Before long the woman who cleaned the shop had a row with Miss Meers and left , and she refused to replace her .
23 I suppose it 's possible he had a row with Nicola and killed her . ’
24 We had a row .
25 ‘ We had a row , ’ Lorton said calmly .
26 But it does seem possible that Georgina purposely waylaid Arabella on the day before she died , and that the two of them had a row .
27 Because she had a row with Hubert and he killed her .
28 ‘ All I know for certain is that Sabine Jourdain had a row with a man on board the Jonquil before she was taken dead from the water , and that man was Tarquin Poulteney-Crosse . ’
29 She let him suffer a bit longer , then said : ‘ You and Sabine had a row , I heard it .
30 We had a row , but telling the police we had a row is n't going to bring her back to life and it is n't going to find out who killed her , because I did n't . ’
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