Example sentences of "had expect a " in BNC.

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1 As a young girl , Isabel Lavender had expected a great deal .
2 City analysts had expected a further £50m worth of debt repayment during the month .
3 He had expected a butler or some obsequious manservant , at the least a maid or companion , to welcome them into a room shining with silver and silk carpets .
4 This later recommendation surprised many who had expected a liberal/academic working party of ‘ the great and the good ’ to turn their backs on the idea of retaining a paternalistic and arguably outmoded system of adult censorship .
5 The general relaxed and participative style of the course was enjoyed by the participants , as some had expected a ‘ chalk and talk ’ approach .
6 Others , who unlike the Combined Operations staff , had expected a second front in Europe that summer , saw what forces would be needed to invade Europe .
7 In view of the presence of the Prince there , and especially in the light of some critical remarks he had made recently about the IRA , I had expected a posse of police to be guarding the entrance gates .
8 She had expected a deep blue Mediterranean sky .
9 He had expected a rise in road duty , but was hoping for a clearer differential between diesel and petrol prices .
10 Leech , who had expected a generous-minded rival , was amazed at Burton 's blunt declaration that if he could not make the acting game pay well and soon , he would be off .
11 Neither Marshal Joffre , General Foch ( his deputy in the north ) nor Sir John' French had expected a German attack in Flanders .
12 With only 32 horse power available I had expected a considerably longer ground , but we were off the ground in about 150 metres , although from then on acceleration and climb were adequate rather than startling .
13 The first excursion of the new government in foreign affairs was a bitter disappointment to those who had expected a real change in American policy abroad .
14 The paint frame had expected a delivery earlier that morning , until Haggerty 's had rung through to say the van had broken down .
15 So although I had expected a life of some leisure , I found myself lucky to be apprenticed to a carpenter in Kendal .
16 Both reformers and opponents had expected a more striking change in the size of the electorate but in so far as it introduced a new class to political influence the Great Reform Act deserves to be considered a revolution no less and perhaps more — than do the events of 1830 in Paris .
17 For some reason I had expected a foreign accent ; but I could place this exactly .
18 Dexter had expected a bigger and taller man with the harsh glint of money-making in his eyes , rather than this relaxed , almost shambling , figure .
19 But if she had expected a reaction of guilty surprise she was disappointed .
20 I had expected a sharper tongue in the office , a brisker and more brittle approach to the anarchic thoughtlessness of the girls .
21 Growers here had expected a bumper season .
22 Selwyn Jones , who runs a nearby cockle processing plant , said he had expected a confrontation .
23 Selwyn Jones , who runs a nearby cockle processing plant , said he had expected a confrontation .
24 The fall in seasonally adjusted unemployment of 22,000 last month was even more of a surprise , at a time when forecasters had expected a further rise of 35,000 .
25 British diplomats , who had been in contact with the Chinese foreign ministry for weeks trying to get them to resume talks , had expected a stormy ride yesterday .
26 She wished she 'd already applied her make-up ; she was still good-looking without it , she knew , but at thirty-eight you had to expect a few flaws .
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